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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is a potential book in every relationship. Was TGITWH so naive to think Omarosa would NOT write one that would trash him?

There is a potential book in every relationship. Was TGITWH so naive to think Omarosa would NOT write one that would trash him?

So he used the N WORD? So what? HE IS A RACIST. THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT RACIST'S DO. Big surprise to you? Of course not!

Posted - August 10, 2018


  • 6477
    No surprise to me.. honestly, I would struggle to be shocked by anything he does, so low is my opinion of him. 
      August 10, 2018 3:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What we see, hear, know about him is just the tip of the iceberg I think Addb. The rest is so vile and incredibly disgusting and venal we probably could not handle that truth. More and more of what he is will come out. We are already swimming in a sea of scum and corruption the likes of which we have never seen before in America. He has only just begun. Now that we know how many racist supporters he has and they seem to be growing in number it is disheartening to say the least. We need a Deux ex Machina. We need a knight in shining armor. We need a miracle to rid ourselves of him and whatever stench will inevitably remain. He has tainted poisoned corrupted the very nature of our being and he is raring to go out and do a lot more. Where it will end I don't know but it will not end well. He is the skunk who keeps spraying his scent over everything he encounters. His supporters love that stink. Go figger! Thank you for your reply!   :)
      August 11, 2018 3:09 AM MDT