Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some singers/musicians began in successful groups then went out on their own and hit it even bigger. Your favorite(s)?
Thank you for your reply Nanoose. Of course there were also some who left successful groups and didn't quite make it. I think going out on your own when you've been with a group must be very scary. I say good luck to all of them!
((hugs)) I actually attended a Phil Collins concert. Loved Genesis of course. I worked for a couple who owned some McDonald's restaurants. Phil did a benefit concert for the Ronald McDonald House (the charity to which all McDonald's franchisees contribute) and it was AWESOME! My son got me hooked on Genesis. I didn't find the group on my own. I attended the benefit with the owners of the company and we were standing and singing and I remember I started tearing up because I could not believe that I was actually there hearing and watching him sing LIVE! It was my only such concert so it is memorable Ele. His voice is streaming in my memory right now. It was a good time. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday. My son also brought me to Journey(Steve Perry?) and Chicago and Steely Dan(Donald Fagen) and Fleetwood Mac(Stevie Nicks) and Peter Gabriel and "Sailing" and Sting who sang a song titled "The Russians love their children too" which for some reason stuck out in my mind. Larry Carlton, guitarist, too. Remember him? Someone slashed his throat and he recovered. Anyway when my son lived in Northern California Larry was playing at a little club in a nearby town. It was a rainy misty night. My son, daughter-in-law, Old School and I attended. It was also AWESOME! My gosh those were the days my friend. Can you tell that I miss them ?
This post was edited by RosieG at September 8, 2018 5:51 AM MDT
McCartney is a bit if a wierd'o...My dad worked for someone that lived next door to him when he lived in St John's Wood ,quite near London Zoo in Regents Park... The stories he was told were quite shocking...