Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» FINALLY! Citizen Barack Obama will joint the fight to restore what is good and true about our country. What took him so long?
I don't think it took him too long he deserved a good long break and I'm glade he is now refreshed and ready to jump in and help fight the good fight. Now if we can help get Opra to jump in the Trump teams political careers would be kaput except for the tail spin. Cheers!
((hugs)) I guess you saw my kaput question didn't you Nanoose? Isn't funny about words? KAPUT is so much fun to say and read and visualize. Is has been woefully underused until now and thanks to you its usefulness will be memorialized! Do you mean Oprah Winfrey when you say "Opra" ? That would be an awesome tag team wouldn't it? Oprah Winfred and Barack Obama? I'm gonna ask! Thank you for your reply! :)
Personally, if Mr Obama is going to get involved in civic activism ... I would much rather see him tackle the issue of poverty. And I don't mean just the black aspect of that, either. Many, many poor Americans lost healthcare due to the ACA - so the least Mr Obama could do is help address that issue.
This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at September 8, 2018 3:23 AM MDT
Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Saturday. When there is a huge conflagration in front of you I think it's important to deal with that first and then look around for where things are smouldering. We are in a constitutional crisis are we not? People in Washington are not following the orders that super don gives them. To protect the country. Isn't that the definition of insurrection? Don't we have to deal with that first? Just wonderin'.
I missed this story.. but I'd say.. he must have been in a very difficult position.. as ex-prez and one who befitted the office, he needed to be careful how he said things and what he said.. He couldn't be seen as unprofessional.. He would also be aware that while he can say and do things and holds some influence.. he isn't the prez.. so it's really not that easy to make a difference as a citizen
I think he will have tremendous influence on getting Dems out to vote Addb. We love him and miss him and if he gets knee-deep in that battle he will be the spark plug to get folks off they A**es and out to vote. Thank you for your reply! :)
Too bad he didn’t start when he first took office. At least W disappeared for awhile after his second term was over.
This post was edited by Rizz at September 7, 2018 8:00 PM MDT
And he deserves a medal for smugness, arrogance and condescension. The arrogance of pride has always been fascinating to watch in a person and he seems to have more than his share.