Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Y'all LOVE a stacked deck if and only if it is stacked in your favor. The concept of fair/just/honorable/true is for losers, right? Forever?
The first casualty of war is the truth. The winners dictate the terms and write the history of the event. Sometimes what is fair, just and honorable comes out on the losing end of the deal.
It's hard to believe that 62 MILLION people voted for him! Of course 65 MILLION people voted for Hillary but due to the cockamamie way we count votes(Electoral Collge be dam*ned) it didn't matter. Now supposedly 40% of the voters are pro super don. For a total of 127 million who voted that would be nearly 51 million still support super don. That's a lotta people Addb. I'm gonna ask about it. Thank you for your reply! :)