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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » English is very tricky deceiver. The words/concepts/precepts/abstracts mean different things to diffferent people. Will that ever change?

English is very tricky deceiver. The words/concepts/precepts/abstracts mean different things to diffferent people. Will that ever change?

The word GOOD or the word EVIL for example. They will be defined very differently based on partisan views, particular beliefs, learned  interpretations. Will that ever change? Will TRUTH ever mean the same thing to different people or anything else for that matter? We say we "communicate". We fool ourselves. We  exchange words but that is not the only thing that defines communication. What do those words MEAN?  How are they DEFINED? How do the examples DIFFER and are they ever the same? Hopeless or hopeful that maybe one day we can all learn English so that we CAN communicate when we exchange words.

Posted - September 15, 2018


  • 5391
    Words are tools of our interactions, they are always subject to the context to which they are applied. Not everyone uses their words in a fitting context, uses the same words or applies the same meaning to them. 

    I’d suggest this is how dialects emerge. 
      September 15, 2018 8:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Dat old debble SEMANTICS! Or Significs. Here's what I specifically refer to DB. Take the word "good". Democrats apply it to the AHCA and provisions like covering pre-existing conditions. But trumpicans think it's bad and want it gone. Take super don. All trumpicans truly believe he is good for the country and good for them for the very reasons that everyone else thinks he is very bad...the worst bad prez we've ever had. So it doesn't matter what words we use if how we use them is in conflict with how others use them. It's a miracle  that anyone connects or makes contact about anything. Now what IS HELPFUL is when folks see the same things when they are looking at something. That's when you click because you know you're speaking the same language mostly. Even the most in-tune people will not mesh on everything. So there is the trumpican view of good and bad and everyone else's. They don't understand us at all and we shall never be able to understand them. SIGH. It's a cliche to say "it is what it  is" but isn't it? All trumpicans believe in the innocence of super don while the rest of us accept the evidence/proof/information that has been reported so far. All trumpicans believe what super don has told them. It is all a witch hunt hoax lie fake news. All of it. They don't go beyond that to think about how such a huge hoax could be perpetrated by so many nor do they pay any attention to the folks who have been indicted, flipped, been charged and convicted. That is all part of the great conspiracy against their hero super don. There is no sense or reason or logic to any of it for most folks. For the trumpicans it all makes perfect sense. And there we are at loggerheads... at an impasse...stuck.  They believe what a crackpot like Alex Jones says. They rely on Sean Hannity to tell them the truth. They believe  super don when he says they should not believe what they see or hear because sez he that isn't what is really going on. He tells them he is their only source of truth and they believe him. The rest of us know he lies whenever he opens his mouth.  Thank you for your reply DB! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 16, 2018 6:13 AM MDT
      September 16, 2018 2:26 AM MDT

  • 53686

      Isn't "tricky deciever" redundant?
      September 15, 2018 8:25 AM MDT

  • 2219
    Not to mention how they speak on the other side of the pond. 
      September 15, 2018 12:54 PM MDT

  • 113301
    True. Sometimes I have to ask a Brit to translate a word for me that I don't understand. They do tend to have their own lingo but then so do the  Aussies!  I do LOVE the accents though Malizz, don't you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to you! :)
      September 16, 2018 6:07 AM MDT