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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who is happier? Partisans/Nons? Partisans are locked into certain views/NONS aren't. Locked up/free. Which be thee?

Who is happier? Partisans/Nons? Partisans are locked into certain views/NONS aren't. Locked up/free. Which be thee?

Posted - September 16, 2018


  • 1502
    Being completely partisan like you is terrible. I do my best to be non partisan. I’m human and I do have some bias like most people. Being partisan or stuck on one’s ways prohibits them to be objective. 
      September 16, 2018 3:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply. I have a question for you. Why would you waste your time on a terrible person's questions? Have you nothing better to do that that? Attend a super don rally perhaps?
      September 16, 2018 6:10 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Actually I think he wrote that being partisan was "terrible", not that you were terrible.  He is not a Trump supporter just as my husband and I were not even though we voted for him because of his pledge to support what we believe are the great historical ideals of this country.  But when we see someone being treated so unfairly we naturally come to his defense. 
      September 16, 2018 6:29 AM MDT

  • 1502
    I never called you a terrible person. I have issues when you lie, make things up, and when you're being hypocritical. 
      September 16, 2018 2:20 PM MDT

  • 53686

      You've spent over two years whining and complaining practically every morning about someone you consider to be a terrible person, Donald Trump.  Your belly-aching has accomplished little, yet you pursue it almost daily. It's your right to post what you see fit, even if or when others take exception to it.

       You disparage others when they express displeasure with what you post. Anyone who sees your blather as a waste of time quickly becomes your enemy. 

      Just because you assume someone's post is a waste of time doesn't preclude them from having their own perception of what's a waste of time or not. It's anyone else's right to post what he or she sees fit, even if or when you take exception to it. Quit trying to bully people who don't march to your out-if-tune drum. It lacks character. (Oh, wait . . . )

      September 16, 2018 2:38 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Whatever beliefs we subscribe to I think it is important to try and understand why others subscribe to different beliefs.  Otherwise the differences can cause us to view them as just opponents and our hatred of them can cause us to so dehumanize them that we only regard them as monsters and evil rather than just imperfect persons like ourselves. 
      September 16, 2018 5:35 AM MDT

  • 53686

      You're locked into certain views, as evidenced by the views you've been posting here on a daily basis for years; what's your answer to the same question?
      September 16, 2018 2:26 PM MDT