Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If true that Michael Cohen is now testifying to Mueller about super don and Russia could that be the FINAL straw that breaks super don?
Might be the first big step towards getting him out of office but I dont think that will be the straw that breaks him. That day will come after he is taking out of office and nobody will want to have anything to do with him or the Trump name. Cheers and happy weekend!
The Final Straw, whatever that ends up being, will be irrational/stupid/petulant comments from Trump himself.
Note that he has spent his entire Presidency undermining and contradicting himself and his minions, throwing everyone else under the bus, and running off staff he himself appointed; if/when the avalanche of growing litigations finally falls upon him, I predict he will SINK HIMSELF. By then, there will be no one left close enough for him to blame.
He really is the least intelligent celebrity/pol prez there ever was. He can't shut up to save his own arse. It seems to me that is a basic knowledge we all should have but he doesn't. He keeps talking and tweeting and digging himself in deeper faster and faster and faster. It's as if he is on a different planet than the rest of us and just does not understand the language. He never meets any challenge honorably. He just doesn't have "the right stuff". Thank you for your thoughtful reply DB and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at September 22, 2018 4:58 AM MDT
Yeparoonio DB I get your point! He of whom we speak also goes in many directions simultaneously making things worser faster. I sit on the edge of my seat daily wondering where and when and how he will strike again. Oh what fun! :( Thank you for your reply! :)