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Discussion » Questions » Politics » So where is the #Metoo and Dems outrage about Keith Ellison being accused of abuse of his girlfriend? Selective outrage?

So where is the #Metoo and Dems outrage about Keith Ellison being accused of abuse of his girlfriend? Selective outrage?

Why do they believe Ford against Kavanaugh but not the accusation against Ellison? It is recent, has a doctor's verification of abuse and a possible video. And there is more than one woman alleging abuse. 

Posted - September 22, 2018


  • There is more attention on Kavanaugh because Keith Ellison is not being nominated for a lifetime position nor are there currently hearings about his confirmation to that lifelong position.

    Where is your evidence that they don't believe the accusations against Ellison?
      September 22, 2018 10:01 AM MDT

  • 34961
    There are NO calls for him to step down. No campaigns against him for AG in his state by Dems or the #MeToo people. 

    His accuser has said no one has reached out to assist her. 
      September 22, 2018 10:24 AM MDT

  • Then maybe more people need to know about it. I've known about it for a while, but I spend a lot more time online than most people I know. When I sent this story to a friend who shared it on Facebook, she was surprised by the amount of people who had never heard of it. But when they did hear of it, they were outraged. Of course there are reasons why it is not as big of a story as Kavanaugh right now, but it could potentially be. Al Franken was taken down fairly swiftly. The same could happen to Ellison, if the allegations are true. 
      September 22, 2018 10:55 AM MDT

  • 34961
    Yes you are correct. The media is ignoring it. Why? Because of what happened to Franken....they do not want to lose another Dem. This post was edited by my2cents at September 22, 2018 4:47 PM MDT
      September 22, 2018 12:04 PM MDT

  • 13277
      September 22, 2018 12:15 PM MDT

  • 19937
    What would his accuser want people to do to assist her?  
      September 22, 2018 11:13 AM MDT

  • 34961 

    ot smear or threaten her would be good. 

    No, they don’t,” Monahan replied. “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party. I provided medical records from 2017, stating on two different doctor visits, I told them about the abuse and who did it. My therapist released records stating I have been dealing and healing from the abuse.”
      September 22, 2018 3:53 PM MDT

  • 19937
    One one hand, you're claiming that the media has not reported on it and on the other hand she claims she's being vilified.  
      September 22, 2018 7:46 PM MDT

  • 34961
    Not vilified by the media. By politicians and leaders of the #Metoo. 
      September 22, 2018 9:42 PM MDT

  • 17641
    Money.............just like the other one. 
      September 22, 2018 8:05 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Need one be a democrat or a MeToo advocate to be outraged by sexual assault? 

    Where’s Republican outrage over Trump the serial adulterer‘s pattern of defending men who engage in it (Roy Moore, for instance), or over any other such harassment? 
    Simply hypocrisy. This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 22, 2018 7:44 PM MDT
      September 22, 2018 11:41 AM MDT

  • 34961
     I don't condone any of Trump's personal affairs. I am about policy. The Media and Dems do not make that claim. I don't claim you must believe the accuser. The Media Dems and Metoo do make that claim. 
    I believe in innocent until proven guilty. If it can be proven....get rid of Kavanaugh. And if it can be proven get rid of Ellison as well. No hypocrisy at all. 
      September 22, 2018 12:25 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Maybe we should consider that the prevalence of these cases prevents outrage from being equally or even timely distributed. Clearly there should be enough outrage to go around. Accusers deserve their say, and not be under attack PRIOR to airing their grievances in a proper forum. 

    But it should be incumbent upon decent people of every position to NOT twist it into partisan politics, which your question did. This makes you no better than the faulty MSM media you’re complaining about.
    I find it amusing how MSM reporting is dismissed as “fake” until it serves a certain agenda. Therein lies hypocrisy. This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 22, 2018 7:47 PM MDT
      September 22, 2018 12:45 PM MDT

  • 34961
    Tell me why the media is ignoring it. 
    Not because there is no evidence. Her doctor has notes. Not because there are no other accusers...there is at least one other and a 911 call backs the other accuser. So why does the media ignore it? Why does the leaders of #Metoo not believe this woman? Because Ellison is a Dem.....but believe the accuser who cannot even pinpoint the location or YEAR it happened. And no doctors notes until 2012 and then then the supreme court possibility was mentioned. But they believe her, why? Because she is accusing a Republican. 

      September 22, 2018 3:44 PM MDT

  • 5391
    I have no insight as to how the various media outlets decide what to report about. Certainly there is bias all around. To me, your assertions are only of your own political bias. Until you mentioned this case, I’d never heard of these people, but then, neither of them is up for SCOTUS. Maybe in time, this one could bubble to the surface. 

    Tell me: Why is national media not reporting at such length on any of the violent rapes that go on around the country every day? 

    Truth be told, I could not care less what two drunken teenagers (allegedly) did 36 years ago, especially if it wasn’t important enough to report back then.  
    Why isn’t it more of a character concern that they were drinking as teenagers... This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 22, 2018 4:48 PM MDT
      September 22, 2018 4:18 PM MDT

  • 34961
    Thank just proved my point. You had not even heard about the Ellison case. You say you don't know how they determine what they cover....I can tell you if a story is againt their side (left or right) it is basically ignored. As you just proved and above Nevan also proved. 

    #MeToo has just proven they just a partician group. 
      September 22, 2018 4:28 PM MDT

  • 5391
    I admit there are countless crimes that never reach my ears, but I won’t blame that on political bias of any media outlet.
    If that is how you perceive the process, then I am in no position to convince you otherwise. But then, we don’t get to determine what other people feel is important. 
      September 22, 2018 4:44 PM MDT

  • 34961
    These are not simply two of countless crimes. 
    These are two men one nominated to SCOTUS and one a Representative and the Deputy Chair of the DNC and current Dem nominee for state AG. 

    One is being ignored the other is not.
      September 22, 2018 5:47 PM MDT

  • 5391
    That’s an overstatement.
    One accusation plays more into an existing news story, the other is obviously still emerging. 
    It’s curious to me that both took years to come to light. 

    Let’s see which accused loses their job. 

    As an aside, your insinuation that #MeToo is a (politically) partisan group, (partician, you said) is surprisingly naive. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 22, 2018 6:54 PM MDT
      September 22, 2018 6:36 PM MDT

  • 34961 

    Ellison's accuser took less than 2 yrs and has evidence. Kavanaugh's accuser took 36yrs and zero evidence. But #Metoo believes Ford. 

    #Metoo did start a non political but that did not last long.
      September 22, 2018 9:39 PM MDT

  • It sure is odd how these victims come forth at opportune moments decades after alleged sexual abuse.  I'm not saying any of it didn't happen, but it does cast doubt.  
      September 23, 2018 8:46 AM MDT

  • 34961
    Kavanaugh's alleged victim took decades. 
    Ellison's only about a year and she has doctor evidence, text messages, etc.
      September 23, 2018 10:47 AM MDT

  • 22891
    have no idea
      September 23, 2018 1:59 PM MDT