One theory is that good-looking people tend to be treated better than those who are average. Makes sense. I'm sure guys would rather date Melania Trump than Eleanor Roosevelt. And gals would rather date JFK than they would LBJ. I'm just sayin'. So good-looking people see the world as a very JUST place. Of course how others treat you helps shape whom you become. Republican women ARE prettier than their Democratic counterparts because they attract rich men and they can keep up keeping up their beauty. They don't have to worry about earning a living or being talented or essential to a company. They don't have to worry about paying bills or putting their kids through college or being down to their last $5 before payday which is a week away and the car breaks down. I've been there. Lots of folks have. One of the bigly perks of being wealthy for the guys is getting the hot babes. Even if you're old and fat and not appealing yourself! Wealthy women are more pampered. Being pampered helps a lot in how you look. This is not to say that some or many of them don't work but they are usually jobs saved for the rich and famous. They aren't secretaries or "administrative assistants" or file clerks or bookkeepers. As for me I did OK when I was younger. No drop-dead beauty ever but I did have my good days and enough admirers to feel good about myself. I'm a Progressive Liberal Democrat. If I had been BEAUTIFUl might I be a Republican too? Sheesh. How would I know? I'm guessing no but then mebbe?