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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya think the #METOO movement has "legs", will last and change anything? What makes you think it isn't just a fad? Why do I ask?

D'ya think the #METOO movement has "legs", will last and change anything? What makes you think it isn't just a fad? Why do I ask?

I'll tell ya why.

Homo sapien skeletons were found in Africa dating back 200,000 years. Women got the right to vote via the 19th Amendment which was ratified August  18, 1920! Next  presidential election will be in 2020, the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. I am woman hear me roar. Women will show up to vote but other than what else has really changed?

The Bill Cosby's and Harvey Weinstein's and other sexually perverted  old very rich men have not disappeared from the face of the earth. They are still here. What chance is there that they or their sons or their grandsons will change what has been going on for 200,000 years? You cannot change humans with laws or importuning. They are what they are and they may lie low for awhile while the heat is on but then?

Of course not all men are repulsive sexually perverted human beings. I wonder though how many obscenely rich powerful men are? Does it come with wealth? Being accustomed to getting what you want when you want it without any interference? Will there be more of them futurely or fewer? Just because they go back under the rocks in the slime to bide their time doesn't mean they won't be coming out when they think the time is right once again. I dunno. I hope women aren't kidding themselves. I hope one day men will treat them as equas because they believe they are and not just because it's what they're supposed to do. Do you?

Posted - October 2, 2018


  • 11399
    I have a 3 year old Granddaughter and I believe that by the time she enters  the work force it will be free of sexual harassment and predators  and my Granddaughter will have the #METOO movement to thank.  Plus my Granddaughter will always have Plan B to fall back on which will be her Jamaican Maroon  style martial arts skills. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at October 4, 2018 4:43 AM MDT
      October 2, 2018 1:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm intrigued Nanoose. What is the "Jamaican Maroon" style martial arts? Can you draw me a word picture? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday. I couldn't answer sooner because my question was kidnapped and held for ransom! Sheesh! :)
      October 4, 2018 4:44 AM MDT

  • 11399
    Jamaican Maroon style martial arts started in the mid 1700's by the Maroon warriors so that they could protect their family's from being in slaved.  It's said that their fighting skills were given to  them as a gift from Jah (God) and part of the gift included the knowledge of being able to move in and out of the Astral plane/Astral World. That part might seem a little crazy but the Maroon warriors terrified the English army because they knew that a Maroon warrior could appear out of no were and put then on the ground in a heart beat. Now a days Jamaican Maroon style martial arts is rare  and it definitely shouldn't be confused with Jamaican style  martial arts because  there is a world of difference between the 2.  It's not carved in stone that our Granddaughter has to learn  Jamaican Maroon style martial arts but it will be a free option for her when she gets a bit older We know a family that's willing to teach her but their in Ontario so it might have to be a online class. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at October 4, 2018 10:50 AM MDT
      October 4, 2018 10:48 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I think life must become very boring Rosie if there is nothing you can't buy....Once you've done it all so many times ,only the far extreames are then left to explore ....and then ,the more bizarre things become ,the  greater the hit and from then on addiction....:( 

      October 2, 2018 1:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The kidnappers released the question so NOW I can reply to your answer D. Apologies for the delay but I had no control over what happened to it initially. I agree with you. If you can have anything you want anytime you want what is there to strive for? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply ! :)
      October 4, 2018 4:47 AM MDT

  • 10795
    It's my opinion that this movement, like many other movements before it, will eventually get too big for itself and die out.

    Sadly, 99% of women have been sexually harassed (by someone) at some time in their lives.  Bringing every man (or woman) who did this to justice is impossible (yes, women can be harassers as well, but we kind of gloss over that).  Thinking that some movement will completely stop sexual harassment is foolhardy.  Sure, it might help for a bit; perhaps some will even be held accountable for their crimes, (of course it's also possible that some innocent people may be falsely accused; but again, we kind of gloss over that).  The sad truth is that the problem of sexual harassment (along with many other injustices) will never simply "go away".  

    You can point out error all you want, but getting all people to change is (next to) impossible (you cannot change another person).  Attending all the sexual harassment classes in the world won't change a person.  Now, if people (truly) loved other people (as in putting them ahead of their own selfish desires) the problem (along with many others) would vanish.  I mean, you won't (intentionally) hurt someone you truly love, would you?   You wouldn't sexually harass them; you wouldn't rape them; you wouldn't abuse them; you wouldn't treat them like a second class citizen; you wouldn't want them to fail.  No, you'd treat them like you'd want to be treated; you'd be compassionate towards them; you'd want them to succeed  Unfortunately, many people lean towards being self-centered (me, me, me).  Where self dominates, love cannot thrive.  Without love there is hatred, jealousy, anger, prejudice, violence, rape, murder, ...

    People should NEVER abuse others (women or men) - period.  Unfortunately they do.  While this movement might have good intentions, people tend to abuse good things and use them for their own personal agendas (jealousy, power, hatred, money, etc.).   This movement has too many ways it can be exploited.  We should be able to believe every woman who comes forward (after all, why shouldn't we?)  It's extremely hard for someone to come forward with this.   But sadly, some may lie simply to pursue their personal agenda (another case where 1 person ruins something for everyone).  That's what I see eventually happening to this movement.
      October 2, 2018 5:21 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You may not be able to change human behavior Shuhak but you sure as he** can  keep shining a light on it and fight it and not simply accept it and roll over into a fetal position whining "woe is me woe is me woe is me". Finally women will not shut up. Women will NOT be docile and silent and accept whatever is dished out to them. I hope. I don't know for sure but I"m pretty sure  more and more and more of them will speak up. Use their voices. The odd thing of course is that now that they have a voice and the courage the scairdy cat men are suddenling whining about their VICTIMIZATION at the hands of women. Strong and brave and fearless? No. They are all spineless wimpering self-involved little boys who are not used to having their way or have anyone fight them or be treated this way. They are now suddenly the hunted and they do not like it one bit. How long will they play the victim? I don't know. The super don says it's a scary time for young men. A donjohnjr or eric sez he fears more for his sons than his daughters. Woe is them. Sheesh. How embarrassing they are. But they'll band together and start attacking again as the super don attacked Dr. Ford after pretending that "she is credible". What a joke. Oh well. That's life. I think it's much better to keep fighting as you're being defeated than to just lie there quietly and accepting it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Thursday to thy! :)
      October 4, 2018 4:55 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I must take issue with such an offensive post.  I could flag it but I know that the powers that be here will let it stand.  So I will comment upon it. 

    When we talk about "equality" between men and women what it really is is a dynamic equality. Which means that though we are not entirely the same (though we are mostly) each of us is not complete without the other.  So we would not exist without men and they would not without us!  So we must depend upon one another and we naturally balance the strengths and weaknesses of one another.  In a smaller sense as well as a larger.  We have different energies and different tendencies.  And we seek often  different things in different ways.  This is how it was meant to be - how God created us.  Also why we are, almost whatever, very interested in one another. Now we can say that what is most important in the world is going out and accomplishing great things and all else like making a home or cleaning or cooking or laundering or raising kids is less important.  But that would not be so.  What we do in terms of our families and communities and just as or more important than getting your picture on the cover of a popular national magazine.  Too bad that many have not found what most women do very naturally as worthy of much praise and interest as what a lot of men have traditionally done.  Now when we do the same or similar things we can bring different energies and insights into it as long as we are free to be ourselves and do not use what we are doing to just work out on others. 

    Men are capable of many marvelous things that we could learn to do and sometimes we do but mostly not.  The same with what we are very naturally capable of . Men have and will always use what they have to get what they want.  Just as we will always do the same.  I think why fight with one another rather than just enjoy what we each have to offer?  It seems to me we are not meant to fight but rather to work together in full enjoyment of one another.  Yes I am idealistic  but I have always very much appreciated men and they have been much faster than other women to congratulate or encourage me or show me how something is done.  Which does not mean that men are going to be perfect in everything or complete gentlemen. Nor are we either!

    Now I have been reading your questions and comments for almost 9 years and I think you have a problem with wealth.  Or at least wealthy men. You forget that many of us are wealthy as well! No question wealth opens doors - it always has and that is just the way of the world.  And I am sure I don't have to remind you that wealthy men are often pursued by any number of women for our own reasons whatever they may be but which often comes down to security.  Some men as well as women will always be willing to have bigger dreams, work harder for them, make whatever sacrifices necessary to realize them and many of them will do well and become wealthy.  That is a fact of life.  Some will inherit wealth through family and go through it completely wasting it while others will take it and use it to help themselves go on and do significant things. 

    Now I cannot hate men because they are interested in me and being with me.  Or consider that they are in any way "repulsive sexually perverted human beings" for that.  Many of us value and even come to depend on for our own well-being the interest men have in us.  All of us, men or women, have our own personal agendas and hopefully they do not cause hurt to other but sometimes they do either directly or indirectly.  Just as they can help others as well directly or indirectly. 

    Some men will use their superior strength or powers of reason, salesmanship, personality, money or whatever other advantages they may have to either persuade or coerce us into doing things we might not care to do.  Which we must be taught to expect and taught how to handle, as I have tried to do in various posts over the years on this site as well as another, because it is going to happen to us so we need to be prepared rather than just go around weeping and wailing how we have been "wronged" .  Sympathy as victims is cheap and easy to come by.  Real knowledge of people and how they work is power and requires learning, paying attention, and experience. 

    Reading posts it seems many people believe we just started being victimized or speaking out recently which is simply not true. As long as we have been willing to help one another rather than only compete with one another and thank God it has not happened to us then then we supported one another.  As did men, by the way. Earlier in the 20th century in many communities where it was known that a woman was being mistreated by her husband he would be taken aside by men in the community and told to shape up in no uncertain terms.  But when our private lives became less community-oriented and more private there had to be less of this because people more and more feared interfering in private matters. 

    "METOO" is an invention of and has become a darling of the media but the simple fact is that many of us were getting together to talk about the same things and take action against them in the 1970s and 80s as well.  I know because I was one of them which I have described in former posts on this site.  We were not media darlings nor could anyone use us for political purposes but we were simply concerned about our lots in life.  We were called "feminists" and we engaged in a certain amount of consciousness -raising. We did not seek to become media stars but only to help and support one another which we did in whatever ways we could .  And by doing so we learned much.  Which apparently subsequent generations of people have no interest in in their rush to get their own 15 minutes of fame. 

    But I want to declare that no one of us, men or woman, is perfect as a human being and we are all guilty of flaws as human beings, some of them quite serious.  If men have acted to hurt us, or have with out acting to, so have we hurt them both directly and indirectly.  So I would not lay claim to any kind of moral superiority simply because I am a woman. I was created to interact with men ands love them, not to judge them.  And only in that way will we gain their respect because mutual respect is what it is all about.  Same goes for them.  Which is always an ongoing process and will never be completed or never be finished.  But will always need constant renewal through working together for the good of all. 
      October 2, 2018 8:43 PM MDT