Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Being FASHIONABLE can be a pain in the arse. Like changing purses to match your outfits. I usta. I don't now. You?
I was never fashionable. Perhaps because I never had the looks to pull it off so just did not bother with it. Now in terms of clothing what I strive for is just appropriateness. I have a number of looks which I think work and mostly I alternate them with an eye towards which is most appropriate for a given situation. i.e. work, special meetings, evening out, shopping, etc.
I was never a FASHIONISTA either og. Not my cuppa tea. I did used to shop for nice clothes on sale when I worked. Whether they were in fashion I don't know. I know quality and I know what I like. That's the extent of my fashion sense. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 10, 2018 11:50 AM MDT
Dat be you Sbf? Funny. I picture you dressed a bit differently. You did tell me once years ago when we were both Answerbaggers what kinds of Aussie beer you favored so that beer in hand fits. D'ya have a tat, rotted teeth and a love of plaid? Is that guy signing "I love you"? He seems to be a good and happy fella smiling like that. In fact I smiled when I saw the picture and not in derision. I wonder what his story is (assuming dat be not you)? He doesn't seem to be exceedingly wealthy so fashion isn't on his list of necessary things. On the other hand he could be an eccentric billionaire! Thank you for sharing!
Male bogan uniform - flannelette shirt over black or blue wife beater, stained cargo shorts and steel-capped boots with no socks. Female bogan uniform - mismatched track suit and ugg boots. Accompanied by three or more kids, no two of whom have the same biological father.
Oh my gosh Sbf! This is the second response I've read this morning. The first was Nice Jugs telling me that "tea leaves" means thieves. Now you tell me that a bogan is a redneck and they come in two genders. Oy vey! Funnee hunnee. I am very suggestible so as I read your words I develop pictures in my mind and your bogan family is a family just begging for a TV series! Now if they were "tea leaves" too how perfect would that be? I sure started off my Answermug day with pure gold. Let's see what else is out there! Thank you for you reply and Happy Friday.
In the olden days when I worked I was more conscious of things matching. Like shoes and purse. Sheesh! Now and for a few decades comfort dictates what I wear. Color too. My favorite is blue. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Wednesday to thee. So if you don't carry a purse when you leave the house where is your wallet and checkbook and hanky and lip balm and coins and keys and odds n' ends? Just wonderin'!
What about your keys? I ALWAYS carry my keys in a pocket. Why you ask? Because if someone grabs my purse I can always get back home. It's a secure feeling for me. I wonder if other folks have little quirks like that? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply. Now if someone steals your van whatever is in that glove box goes bye bye too! Even your wallet/checkbook/credit cards? When you go shopping where do you put them?
I keep cards and checkbook at home. I know before I leave the house if I need them. Then if I do pockets work very well. I do have a phone case that holds a card and cash. Anything that would be in my glove box would have been in a purse that is more likely to be lost or stolen than my van.
I used to change purses when I changed shoes, but I stopped doing that a long time ago. I have a beige Sporto purse for spring and summer and a black Sporto purse for fall and winter. That's it. As for "style," comfort's the name of the game, even at work.
((HUGS)) There are lotsa reasons why I LIKE YOU BIGLY L. This is one of them! Ditto except I have one purse that takes me through the whole year. It belonged to a neighbor who passed away a few years ago. They had an estate sale and I bought 2 of her purses. I'm saving the other one to use if this one wears out. Her name was Mary and SHE WAS A SWEETHEART!. The purses are leather (STONE MOUNTAIN) and will last me forever or until I die whichever comes first. I paid $3 for each one! So I carry Mary with me whenever I leave the house. I knew you'd like the backstory which is why I'm sharing it with you! Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 11, 2018 5:38 PM MDT
I do like the backstory and thank you for sharing it. I used to use a leather purse, but with everything I carry, it got too heavy, so I went for a fabric bag. Sporto holds up for years. What goes is the stitching around the zippers, but the main portion lasts forever. I suspect these will be the last two I'll buy. :)
I rarely go shopping for "things" any more. I have way more than I will ever use up. But I will look for the Sporto brand. Never heard of it but I'd kinda like to check it out. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Thursday! :)
Thank you for the info L. I NEVER BUY ANYTHING ON LINE! I am possibly the only person with a computer in the entire world who doesn't. I like to see touch in real time before I buy anything sight unseen. I like to go to book stores and libraries not a bland internet faceless space where you place your order, give a credit card number and a few days' later "it" arrives. As I said I'm way behind that curve. Happily so. :)
I understand. However, I already had that particular purse, so I knew what it felt like and looked like and I got a much better deal on it than the price in Macy's. As for other items, there are things I will buy on line having used them before so I know what I'm buying. I order books from Amazon because they're usually less expensive than in a bookstore. Sadly, many bookstores have closed - even in the NYC area - so I would have to drive to get to one. Sometimes, I buy my books at BJ's because they cost even less than Amazon, but often they have a limited selection. There was a time when I refused to order anything on line, but honestly, I've found it to be a great time-saver which is a boon when you're employed. :) Happy Thursday. :)
So you put things in pockets then D? I don't quite "get" what you allude to when you say "tea leaves in London". Translation please? Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)