Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » News. Old, ongoing, new. FB says 29 million accounts were hacked. Was yours one? Do you have ti figger it out yourself or do they tell you?

News. Old, ongoing, new. FB says 29 million accounts were hacked. Was yours one? Do you have ti figger it out yourself or do they tell you?

Posted - October 14, 2018


  • 6988
    I am really unsure what 'hacked' means. I suspect it means 'looking at my information' that is private. Since I don't do any banking, tax returns, and that sorta stuff on the internet, I am not bothered by it. I realize that what I write on the internet is public information. 
      October 14, 2018 6:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We have nothing of a financial nature on the internet. No purchases whatsoever. No banking. I don't belong to monstrous things like FB. I just do my thing and I don't care if someone reads every word I write. It's out there and they can do whatever the he** they wanna do with it. No skin off my nose. On  Answerbag years ago though I did have a member ask if I would mine if he asked my questions on other social sites!  He didn't need to tell me that but he did. I told him I didn't mind at all. Once I ask a question it's gone. I don't own it. If he took credit for them who cares? I don't require attribution. I ask questions to get them out of my head. I do it for survival. Otherwise they would badger me to death. Once asked what happens to them is none of my business. Unless, of course, someone answers one and then depending up the civility of the reply I respond. Out of sight out of mind. I can't possibly remember all the questions I've ever asked and I'm sure I've asked some of the same ones many times. No worries for me in any case. I do what I want to do. Now what can be better than that? Thank you for your reply bh. So if you did bank on line and you were hacked the hacker would have accessed your bank account numbers and maybe drain your accounts, your social security number and maybe access them pretending to be you. It could be very costly. :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 14, 2018 8:01 AM MDT
      October 14, 2018 7:45 AM MDT

  • 22891
    nnine wasnt
      October 19, 2018 4:41 PM MDT