Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» My favorite color is blue. Specifically blue-grey with silvery sparkly thingies. What is your favorite color specifically?
Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Tuesday to thee. I love dusty rose. I think hot pink isn't as easy a color to wear but I kinda like it when I see it on others.
Oh yes, I love all shades of purple and blue. I also like pastel green. I guess it would have been easier if I listed colors that I don't like. haha. Have a Happy Tuesday, Rosie.
It is that! Very unusual WQ. Do you wear it a lot? Of course as is true of all colors there are different shades/intensities. Do you prefer light browns or dark browns or medium browns? Brown isn't very often found in sweaters. I remember years ago I looked everyone for a brown sweater to buy someone who had specifically said she couldn't find one and I could't fine either! I thought it was very odd because I consider that to be a "neutral" color kinda like black or white or grey. I found brown leather shoes and purses but not coats or sweaters . Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
I don't think I look that good in brown and I don't have a lot of clothes in that color but I do have some. As far as clothes, I get flattering comments most when I wear shades of pink or blue.
I basically just like how the color brown looks and I like all shades of it. I sometimes ponder of how much the color brown is around us everywhere. And if I specifically look for it, it's usually there somewhere. :)
I really like very dark brown. A rich brown. I can see it in my mind's eye. I honestly can't remember if I ever owned anything that particular color brown BUT I did see a brown car the other day that was somewhat lighter but on the same order of hue! I think it's the first brown car I've ever seen and Jim thinks he never saw one before either. It must have been a special order thing because all I mostly ever see is white and black and grey and silver cars with an occasional red or blue. I've seen a couple of really YELLOW cars and a few CHARTREUSE believe or not! I also saw a huge truck that had an orange cab. But brown? For some reason it must not be popular. Thank you for your reply WQ.
I think you are teasing me Rev. Are you? How do you fall asleep at night surrounded by orange? It doesn't sound as soothing a color to sleep to or in as blue or white or cream-colored or pale green. Like purple or red or black. Of course when you sleep your eyes are closed so you really don't "see" it. Now is it pale orange, mediumy orange or bright orange you favor? I didn't know orange paint existed. Of course I've never looked for it either. Are your bed covers orange too or are they colored other to complement? What color complements orange? Thank you for your reply m'dear and Happy Tuesday! You must LOVE Halloween!
It is a bright orange, not quite like orange juice but deeper than apricot or peach. I find it a very uplifting and positive colour, it lifts my mood and helps me get up in the morning. I don't worry about overall colour co-ordination too much but the current quilt cover I have is mostly black which seems to work.