Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Stephen Hawking feared that a race of superhumans who could manipulate their own DNA will eventually conquer the world. WHAT?
Stephen Hawking feared that a race of superhumans who could manipulate their own DNA will eventually conquer the world. WHAT?
D'ya think it's possible or that Dr. Hawking veered off into a "different" world at the end of his life? I know he was brilliant but was he also a little "nuts"?
Why are you bringing Trump into this? She made absolutely no mention of him in her question. You people complain she never asks questions about anything other than Trump. Then, when she asks something about Stephen Hawking and DNA, you answer the question referring to Trump. You people really need to stop nit-picking at Rosie. The only think you do is make yourselves look petty.
I guess anything is possible Walt. I do love scifi and quantum physics and admire beyond measure the brain of Dr. Hawking. I've read his books (not that I understand EVERY word) but when I read this it just struck me as a plot line you'd see in B movie and not coming from someone like Dr. Hawking. Maybe it's just too creepy for me to grasp or absorb but I see these white-coated nutjobs futurely screwing around with creating a "NEW AND IMPROVED" human being with evil purpose in mind. I dunno. Could it be so ? I though superbugs would be what did us in but superhumans? Yikes! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
It is definitely within the realm of possibility that altering DNA could create a superhuman. There is a fine ethical line between manipulating DNA to prevent birth defects, illnesses, auto-immune diseases, cancer, etc., but if we are not careful, it can lead to the desire to create a "perfect race" or designer children - blue eyes, blond hair, etc. As painful as it may be to have a child with certain conditions or become a person diagnosed with certain illnesses, every time we have a major medical breakthrough in curing or preventing a widespread disease, something come along to fill the void. I believe it is nature's way of controlling population so it doesn't overwhelm the abilities of the earth to feed its inhabitants.
Ya but the thing about nuclear options such as the Bubonic plague is the rich find a way to survive and the poor are the ones that die. It was mostly the common people that died from the Bubonic plague the rich survived because they could pay people to get rid of the rats and some people say it was also because they ate on silverware (it's said that fleas and ticks couldn't live or lay eggs on silver). Cheers!
I think you know I'm a huge fan of quantum physics L and I've read quite a few books on the subject. I understand enough of it to be totally fascinated. But when I read THAT from Dr. Hawking I thought say what? A race improving itself by manipulating its own DNA? To what purpose? I've read that superbugs might do us in one day but super human beings? I dunno. "What man can conceive man can achieve" t'is said. They improve cars and foods and all kinds of things. How many times is something advertised as NEW AND IMPROVED? Humans too? I'd rather that instead of making humans super smart and super strong that they'd focus on making humans super kind and super fair. I think I'll ask that question. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Tuesday. I don't know if it was just in a movie but did " they" ever monkey around with children trying to make certain ones smarter and stronger?
This post was edited by RosieG at October 16, 2018 6:51 AM MDT
I agree with you. I believe they are capable of monkeying around to make kids have certain physical attributes - blue eyes, etc., but I don't know if they've been able to make them smarter. Happy Tuesday. :)
Hi Lulu's Mom! Exactly. Being super smart and super strong is fine as long as they aren't also super deceitful super greedy and super evil. It sounds like something in a scifi movie. That plot line is scary to me. I think tons of things have been improved. Have humans? I dunno. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
Whether on the big screen at a movie theater or the TV shows I agree. The only exception was the first actor who portrayed him on the big screen. I think his name was George Reeves. Odd too that decades later Christopher Reeve portrayed superman too. Thank you for your reply Lulu'sMom and Happy Thursday! :)