Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The super don falls in love with men. When did he ever wax as poetic about any woman as he has about Vlad and Kim? Seriously? WHEN ?
Donald and Kim sitting in a tree - C-O-N-N-I-V-I-N-G. First comes love then comes betrayal then comes Trump on the impeachment trail. This is off topic but today I saw a photo of a paining that is supposed to be hanging outside the Oval office it is a painting of Trump and former presidents sitting around a table - socializing. It reminds me of one of those cheep velvet photos of dogs playing poker so I thought I would share it. Cheers!
His entire life is a lie Nanoose. Fake phony bizarre pretense. He could never make it if he told the truth so he learned early on to lie lie lie lie lie. He found some folks who bought his lies and now that is their only truth. I don't how he knew they were out there somewhere but that's the only way he can live. He doesn't know any better and is afraid of what would happen to him if he were a straight shooter, straight arrow good guy. We will never see that from him because he's just too big a scairdy cat to be authentic. SIGH. That picture is hilarious. As if any of those men would give him the time of day! What a wackadoodle! Betcha if he ran off copies his peeps would buy them up and hang them up in their homes. Kinda like pictures of Jesus. No disrespect of blasphemy intended. Thank you for sharing that with us. I would not have known about it otherwise and I would have missed out bigly! Happy Tuesday Nanoose! :)