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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Suave, sophisticated, intelligent, "classy" OR salt-of-the-earth, down-to-earth, easygoing and friendly?

Suave, sophisticated, intelligent, "classy" OR salt-of-the-earth, down-to-earth, easygoing and friendly?

What kind of folks are you most drawn to? Those from whom you can learn or those who are just like you? 

Posted - October 16, 2018


  • 1532
    Hi, Rosie. I think it's possible to argue that, if an intelligent person doesn't know to be friendly, they're not using their intelligence well enough.

    But that may not be an answer to quite your question: I enjoy sterile conversations or mere 'yes-manning' as little as having a person assume they must teach me something.
      October 16, 2018 3:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm thinking  Cary Grant versus a Will Rogers. Cary doesn't seem to be unfriendly exactly but perhaps a tiny bit aloof and inaccessible whereas good old Will "never met a man I didn't like"! I assume that includes women too and who on this earth ever said such a thing? It is unbelievable to me but I believed Will. At least from the movie I saw depicting his life. His son Will Jr. portrayed him and Will Jr. was the spitting image of his dad! He was comfy in any setting with all kinds of people. He never talked down to anyone nor did he seem cowed or intimidated by anyone. I'm not saying Cary would talk down to anyone but I do think the level of engagement, interaction would be different. Some very intelligent folks are not friendly DaniloG. I've met some. They're not the kinda folks you hang out with. We part company with your not enjoying those who teach you something. That's the only reason I'm here m'dear. I'm very lucky in that I have some folks who regularly show up who are very intelligent, very knowledgeable and very kind to invest their time educating me about things I don't know. I invite them here to teach me what I don't know by asking questions. Otherwise there is no point in my time here. But learn I do and teach they do. Every day. It's my carrot. Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant. If so apologies. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
      October 16, 2018 4:50 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I am most drawn to people who first are willing to acknowledge my existence and respect me, people who don't judge me or belittle me, don't talk down to me.  People who think I have something to offer as well.  They are sometimes like me which doesn't mean I can't learn anything from them.  Mostly people I feel comfortable with and can relax with.  I am capable of learning things on my own so I would not be drawn to anyone just for what I can get out of them. 

    As far as your categories - I can't see that they cohere. Certainly Will Rogers (as far as what I can tell by what I have seen on TV because he was long gone years before I was born so I never heard him or listened to him on radio) was intelligent and suave and sophisticated as well as friendly and practical.  Just as Cary Grant seemed to be easy-going and friendly.  So I would not agree that those attributes you assign all go together necessarily.  Plenty of intelligent people are not suave or sophisticated nor are they easy-going and practical.  And various other combinations or not. 

    As you know, I tend to like people who are honest and candid about themselves, willing to recognize and laugh at their shortcomings as well as identify and be appreciative of their strengths.  I am drawn to people who tend to be doers as well as be-ers and have a positive outlook on life in general. 
      October 16, 2018 5:13 AM MDT

  • 22891
      October 19, 2018 3:45 PM MDT