Well if we're talking about the sheer speed at which my mood can be lifted, then I probably wouldn't look to either colour or music to do it the fastest. Carbs, preferably Mac and Cheese, are far more capable of bringing me to climax in a hurry.
Comfort foods. The only caveat for me would be the guilt that follows. Usually comfort foods are not the healthiest nor the most nutritious of foods. The short-term comfort can be followed by long-term guilt. But I hear ya Lollipop. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
Me too. My mood can change on a dime and does all the time if I hear something I love! It snaps me right out of whatever mood I'm in nd mkes me happy. Sometimes that's all you need. It gives you time and space and a breather. Thank you for your reply Rizz and Happy Wednesday! :)
Me too m2c. For me it's jazz or classical music or just hearing Ella Fitzgerald sing any song! She just lifts me up. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee! :)
Music - and playing it is even more therapeutic than listening to somebody else do it. Particularly if I just composed it and am playing to an audience for the first time.