Will Linadsay Graham and others who were previously kissing h is corpulent butt and are now DEFYING him fold, back into their fetal positions and cower down or will the defeat be at the feet of the defender? Whom do you think will win this one? Who will back down and cover it up and make it go away? Just visualize what happened to the journalist. He was tortured. The murderes chopped off his fingers, beheaded him and then dismembered him. That must be the Saudi method of silencing dissidents. Rather over-the-top wouldn't you say? I mean would a well-placed bullet have done the same thing? How gruesome and gory and pervertedly evil are they anyway? We know you know hoo totally admires tough strong powerful decisive MEN. Why? Because he isn't and wishes he were or because he is and therefore must needs align himself with them? Either way is not okay is it?.