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Do service stations normally stock gas cans?

I was out driving this past weekend and came across someone by the side of the road trying to flag down help. We were on a well-traveled stretch of highway, but it was somewhat remote. He said he had run out of gas, so I volunteered to take him to the closest service station. Turns out, the place didn't sell gas cans, so he went person to person in the parking lot to see if he could borrow one or buy one from someone. At the same time, another guy walked up- he, too, had run out of gas and was trying to find a can to buy or a loaner, and the two guys sat there and started a bidding war over one random traveler's gas can. O_o

Is that normal? Don't most service stations sell gas cans? Or should we all be carrying them with us just in case?

Posted - October 21, 2018


  • 22891
    i would hope so
      October 22, 2018 10:34 AM MDT

  • 628
    There are no "service" stations where I live, or anywhere I have seen for years now. I remember a time when there were service stations. You would pull up, a bell would ring, an attendant would come running out, ask you if you needed a fill up, which grade you wanted. They would check the oil, wash your windshield, even check your tire pressure, and yes.....they had gas cans. Those days are gone. They now are more interested in selling you a soda and candy bar than offering any kind of "service".

      October 22, 2018 9:24 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Well said and very true! :) :)
      October 23, 2018 1:12 AM MDT

  • 19937
    There is a service station less than a mile from my house.  The attendant comes out, pumps my gas, and, if I ask, will check my tire pressure, clean my windshield and asks if I need my oil checked and the mechanic is on duty seven days a week.  I don't know if they have gas cans as I've never had the need to inquire.
      October 29, 2018 8:37 AM MDT

  • 628
    Hello Spunky Senior.
    We had what was probably the last full service station here in my little town. complete with white uniforms and the little white attendants cap.
    This station was sold several years back and was turned into a convenience station, no more service...
      October 29, 2018 9:52 AM MDT

  • 19937
    There are still a few full service stations around, but they are getting fewer by the year.  I don't like having to pump my own gas, so I'm happy to pay a little more per gallon for someone else to do it and I've saved someone's job. :)
      October 29, 2018 1:42 PM MDT

  • 17655
    We only have one service station in my town and I don't know if he has gas cans or not.  We have many convenience stores that sell gasoline though.  I never go into the store part to know if they sell them.
      October 22, 2018 11:20 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Many good thoughts and facts have surfaced from this question. 
    I find one of the most remarkable points of your story is YOU stopped and offered to help.  That act of kindness is something probably 100 people that passed him wouldn't have even considered.  Either they didn't want to get "involved" or they are so leery of a stranger in need, they don't trust to lend a helping hand.  Good for you JA for not reading something into a situation that really was as innocent as it seemed.  I wonder how long he had been there trying to get someone to help...
    Randy brings up a nice thought about carrying one and being able to not only help himself  but to freely loan or offer it to others in a jam.  Another nice gesture you don't hear or see often.
    Designer has a good point too. I don't know of any "service stations" any longer.  I wish they were still around.  In Oregon, they have full-service stations.  It was against the law to pump your own gas.  In a way, this is great.  It's good for the economy by offering jobs and helps us who don't like to pump gas in the rain.  I"m not sure if it still that way but I liked it.

    I would like to carry a gas container in my trunk.  Don says it will smell and what if it leaks. This is why we have AAA.  Still, though, what happens if AAA can't come.  I like the idea of having one.  I would even like it to have gas in it.  I'm not sure how safe that would be but better to have some than stuck in a snow storm with no reception for AAA.  Like Randy and you JA, I would lend it freely if someone was in need. This post was edited by Merlin at October 25, 2018 4:49 AM MDT
      October 23, 2018 1:29 AM MDT

  • 7939
    Thank you. :)

    I asked him how long he'd been there and he said only about five minutes, but he was actively trying to flag people down, so I'm guessing at least 20 or 30 drove by regardless. I just can't imagine being in that situation, myself. I would have been mortified. 

    I said "service station" but I guess I really just meant gas station. It wasn't anything beyond the normal pump-your-own gas and a small store. 

    I'm not 100% certain, but I think it's probably not safe to keep a full one in your car. I'd worry about the fumes and fire risk. I could be perpetuating urban legends though. I don't know. O_o

    I will probably pick up an empty to keep in my van from now on too. Sure, you can call roadside assistance, but you're going to have to wait for them. That's no fun here, especially if it's 100 degrees or more out. 
      October 24, 2018 11:45 PM MDT

  • 10026
    You're welcome. :)
    I didn't even think of it being 100 degrees!  That would make the gas in the can rather odoriferous and dangerous.   Good Point. :)

    Another idea is an emergency pack for your car.  3 years ago, Don and I gave them to mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law for Christmas.  We made them especially suited for their individual needs on top of the mandatory items.  They were a huge success.  Just food for thought in case you are stumped on what to get someone on your list. :) Ex: My mom's pack had dog food and my sisters didn't.  That sort of thing.  
    I'm sure, however, none of them had a gas carrier/can.  Not very much of an emergency pack without one. I know what we are bringing to the festivities this year.  :) :)  Gas Not Included. :) :)

    All-in-all, I am still very glad you stopped.  It revives the belief there are people out there willing to help their fellow man in need. :) :) This post was edited by Merlin at October 25, 2018 4:49 AM MDT
      October 25, 2018 12:25 AM MDT