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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » He sez we can't let hate (or was it terrorism) change our lives or our shedules. That's HIS gist. POLITICAL SCHEDULES per chance super don?

He sez we can't let hate (or was it terrorism) change our lives or our shedules. That's HIS gist. POLITICAL SCHEDULES per chance super don?

You are ticked off to the max that you cannot control the news cycles. First the pipebomber took your thunder and you kvetched about THAT and now the slaughter of Jews in a synagogue. What inconvenient timing for you and your agenda schedule. You want folks to focus on the hordes of marching  asylum seekers from Central America whom you characterize as gang members, rapists and murderers as well as terrorists don't you? AND sending troops/military/militia WITH GUNS to the border to stop them. By any means possible? You want to keep focusing on that to use as a political scare tactic to frighten the folks who believe whatever you say/do because they believe in you(God help them) so they will vote for you and everything associated with you. Too bad so sad! You aren't such a big shot after all. Get over it.

Posted - October 28, 2018


  • 53680

      Let's review:

      You yourself have spoken out against hatred and violence. You have also stated how much you hate Donald Trump. He speaks out against hatred and violence, so you post a negative perspective to what he said. You use any and every opportunity possible to express negativity, even when it requires you to twist something you previously stated. Does that mean you were being insincere when you spoke out on the same subject, or does it mean that you're being insincere when you find fault with him having spoken out on the same subject?

      That sums it all up in a nutshell. It's a summation, it's not an attack, personal or otherwise. 

      October 28, 2018 5:44 AM MDT