I liked this. (we only get one Asker's Pick (no pun here) I think I'll give it to you. But there are so many candidates. I want to thank all the little people who contributed. And if this is the best, I'll award.
Although I mourn the loss of my beauty, I welcome the marks of my experience.
I thought of filling out with food - very tempting - but decided against it on grounds of the health costs.
I didn't really think you would have tried that collagen pricker - get the impression that you embrace alternative health in a big way. Massage often goes hand-in-hand with alternative medicine, healthy eating, perhaps also yoga, pilates and Zumba.
The collagen pricker reminds me of a miniaturized version of a lawn aerator - yikes!
The skin is not just a garment to make you look appealing. It is the barometer of all things healthy in the body. I can see much that is wrong with a person by looking at the skin.
So, this is not some needle to endure the way Kim Kardashian may want to plump.
This is a tool that encourages what the healthy layers of skin need. More collagen.
That allows for immune support as well as energizing the musculature.
And it cleans the pores.
So, laughing at this is akin to me to laughing at sitting in a sauna or DOING YOGA. It's good for us.
Woops! I can see I REALLY didn't understand. How deep do the pricks prick below the skin's surface? Does it hurt? Does it draw blood? Do people buy one and do it to themselves, or go to a professional or some sort? How much do the machines cost? Or how much is a session with a professional?