Discussion»Questions»Politics» It is reported the Democrats s are funding the March from South America. Also fund people to come on Social Media to stir up trouble?
This month has been tough, though. We have not gotten our checks from George Soros yet. There has been a hold-up because of all of these MAGA Bombs clogging the mail system.
I have to remind Lollipop to switch over to direct deposit like I did.
Though I do agree that there is quite a lot of over-the-top rhetoric on both sides, that doesn't necessarily mean one has to be "paid" to disagree with the current administration. As free thinkers, some of us do actually have opinions and ideals of our own, that are in glaring opposition to the powers that be.
President Trump’s tweet seems to have crossed borders, as even the European Railway Service, Eurostar, jumped on the bandwagon. The company recommends drinking a cup of “covfefe” on their trains to boost energy and stay awake!
Maybe he should have a cup-of-Joe before tweeting...
This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at November 1, 2018 5:42 PM MDT
Yes....Conservative operatives manufacturing a crisis
Did you hear the one about the 20 year who created a fake controversy by trying pay 2 seperate women to make false sexual allegations about Rober Mueller using his moms "Investigation Agency" and sent out fake Tweets? LOL
Not only is his Mommy his "Source" but his daddy is a lawyer who is a FOX news (LOL) contributor
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 2, 2018 10:00 AM MDT
Illegals entering by the millions for the last 30yrs is a crisis. If they want to come to the US then they can go to the embassy and fill out the paperwork and wait for the approval. This caravan has been offered citizenship with healthcare and jobs in Mex. Most turned it down. Under international law, a refugee is supposed to stop at the first country they enter which is safe. Mexican Ambassador says they are majority men and many are violent.
Welll, I hate to bust your bubble, but that is what everyone wants I'm angry that for some reason, The right thinks they are the only people who want that. We have laws here. If you want to keep out illegal immigrants, keep the US out of their countries business.
Let's first stop meddling in their countries. Stop funding regime changes. End the rediculous war on drugs. We need to recognize that there is a lot of hysteria being whipped up from the right for political purposess. That is a HUGE thing problem in itself. Going back to early 1900s, people have been complaining about migrant workes and illegal aliens. This is NOT a new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, Marijuana is illegal for racial reasons stemming from migrant workers and use by minorities. NOT due to scientific or health reasons. Creation of new Points of entry to accomodate large influxes of people seeking to become residents of our society and recognize that these are people just like you and I. Give Amnesty to those already here. Give Citizenship immediatley to the "Dreamers" Build a buffer, not a wall. It's cheaper to dig a big hole or trench than to build. Also, the terrain is already a perfect buffer
Ensure we have border guards and shoot people when they are caught trying to illegally set foot on American soil illegally. Kill them and leave their bodies to rot in place. Seriously. That will deter more than any wall.
We need immigration reform since current laws clearly do not work and it should be worked on by members of ALL parties.
Recognize that almost all Democrats do NOT want illegal immigration and stop the lying or risk the continuation of discourse.
Repubs and Dems are both the problem and the parties need to be disbanded. They are both corrupt and neither is interested ina real solution no matter what you or I say... Our bickering amongst ourselves is good for them.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 2, 2018 10:01 AM MDT