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Mike Acosta called Trump out for being a TOTAL LIAR about the Caravan. Trump calls Acosta a horrible person. What a debater/

Posted - November 7, 2018


  • 19937
    "Jim" Acosta.  Trump called him all the things of which Trump himself is guilty.  Clearly, when Trump looks in them mirror, he sees far different image than we do.  I bet he gets up every day, looks in the mirror and asks, "Who's the fairest in the land?" 
      November 7, 2018 1:58 PM MST

  • 34961
    I thought it was great:

    JIM ACOSTA: Thank you, Mr. President. I want to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms.

    DONALD TRUMP: Here we go.

    ACOSTA: If you don’t mind, Mr. President. That, well, that this caravan was an invasion.

    TRUMP: I consider it to be an invasion.

    ACOSTA: The caravan was not an invasion. It was a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the U.S.

    TRUMP: Thank you for telling me that. I appreciate it.

    ACOSTA: Why did you characterize it as such and —

    TRUMP: Because I consider it an invasion. You and I have a difference of opinion.

    ACOSTA: But do you think that you demonized immigrants in this election to try to keep them —

    TRUMP: Not at all. I want them to come into the country but they have to come in legally. They have to come in, Jim, through a process. I want it to be a process. And I want the people to come in and we need the people.

    ACOSTA: Your campaign —

    TRUMP: Wait, wait! Wait. You know why we need the people. We had hundreds of companies moving in. We need the people.

    ACOSTA: Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls and so on.

    TRUMP: That’s true. They weren't actors.

    ACOSTA: They aren’t going to be doing that.

    TRUMP: Well, no. It was true. Do you think they were actors? They weren't actors. They didn't come from Hollywood. These were people — this was an actual, you know, it happened a few days ago and —

    ACOSTA: They're hundreds of miles away. They are hundreds and hundreds of miles away. That's not an invasion.

    TRUMP: Honestly I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN and if you did it well, your ratings would be much higher. Okay, that’s enough.

    ACOSTA: If I may ask one more question.

    [White House staffer comes and tries to take microphone.]

    TRUMP: That's enough. That's enough. That's enough.

    ACOSTA: Excuse me, I was going to ask one other question. Pardon me, ma’am.

    TRUMP: That’s enough.

    ACOSTA: Mr. President, I had one other question if I may ask on the Russia investigation. Are you concerned that you may have —

    TRUMP: I'm not concerned about anything with the Russian investigation because it's a hoax. That's enough. Put down the mic!

    ACOSTA: Mr. President, are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigation? Mr. President --

    TRUMP: I'll tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN. [To Peter Alexander.] Go ahead. You're a very rude person. The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is horrible and the way you treat other people is horrible. You shouldn't treat people that way. Go ahead. Go ahead, Peter.

      November 7, 2018 2:12 PM MST

  • 7939
    Which part of that was great? The fact that Trump wouldn't let him finish the question? The fact that Trump attacked the reporter personally? Or, was it the part after that where Trump told the next reporter that he didn't like him either, even though the second reporter said nothing beyond defending the character of the first?
      November 7, 2018 2:31 PM MST

  • 34961
    President Trump answered all of the questions Acosta asked even the one he asked after he was told he was done. 

    Acosta was not asking questions, he was debating the President about it being a caravan vs invasion.  He did not even really ask a question until the end. It was a speech. 

    Trump got personal after Acosta refused to give the mic to the female WH worker which Trump had told her to take. He did lose his temper. (Not how I would have handled it) Acosta and Trump have a history. 
    I don't like Acosta he likes to be the story rather than reporting the story. He was rude. Both to the President to the woman worker and to Sarah Sanders on a regular basis.  

    This post was edited by my2cents at November 7, 2018 6:40 PM MST
      November 7, 2018 5:48 PM MST

  • 7939
    Those dashes at the ends of the quotes you posted, those mean Acosta was still talking and Trump was interrupting. He did not allow Acosta to finish. It sounds like Acosta was trying to ascertain why Trump was calling it an invasion or trying to identify if he was intentionally making inflammatory remarks. Trump does not let him finish. He cuts him off repeatedly and also talks over him. 

    Acosta did not push the woman. You can see it clearly in the video below, starting at about 33 seconds. At most, he brought his hand down on her forearm/ inner-side of the elbow the third time she reached across him and tried to take the mic. I say at most, because you can't even tell if he's done that much or if he's still gesturing with his hand. There's no force behind it, even if he did that much, or else his hand would have tensed up, his arm would have fallen all the way with hers, or she would have let go of the mic. None of those things happens. If that ever went to trial, he's the one who would have grounds to sue for assault, not her. She touched him. 

    If Trump doesn't want to answer questions and wants to cut people off, maybe he should just have a button that cuts the mic. Or, he could just hold conferences via Twitter. He seems pretty good at that. 

    This post was edited by Just Asking at November 7, 2018 8:22 PM MST
      November 7, 2018 6:32 PM MST

  • 34961
    Your right, I don't think he pushed her.  Yes she was trying to take the mic...that is her job. He refused. He did touch her but I don't think it was a push. (I had edited my post already)

    They were interrupting each other. Trump answered the questions as they came rather than waiting and taking them as  2 and 3 part questions.  Acosta interrupted Trump at least twice.

    Again he answered everything...even the one he told Acosta not to ask. And the lectured him on his rudeness.


      November 7, 2018 8:21 PM MST

  • 22891
    i dont think trunnp lies
      November 7, 2018 2:39 PM MST

  • LOL

    Trump looked foolish and a upset.
    This is what happens when you have an ignoramous in a postion that he is totaly unqualified for.

    I also said it once before and I'll say it again, Trump's gonna drop dead from a heart attack or stroke. Did you see how morbidly obese he is? WOW!

    Maybe he should call Barack for lessens on how tro be a gracious, professional, diplomatic statesman
      November 7, 2018 9:38 PM MST