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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some folks think they are answering the question asked when they're not. What causes that disconnect? Their baggage?

Some folks think they are answering the question asked when they're not. What causes that disconnect? Their baggage?

Posted - November 8, 2018


  • 2706
    I've found that when you ask a very direct and uncomplicated question that isn't laced with your own opinions, innuendos, dislikes and sometimes hatred, people would be more inclined to answer the question the way it's asked. When you ask a question laced with hatred, innuendos, opinions, and dislikes, it simply shows that you've already made up your mind and any answer given will most likely be ignored. So in an instance like that, it's not the disconnect and baggage of the answerer but rather it's the disconnect and baggage of the asker is where the problem resides. As always, just my opinion. :)
      November 8, 2018 5:54 AM MST

  • 53678

      Maybe it's because some questions are intentionally posed in such ways that invite said responses. 

      November 8, 2018 6:05 AM MST