This question is flawed. "2 outta 3 is a forced answer. I have to push the ol' "Price is Right' failure buzzer button. As Paul Harvey used to say on his radio program ------- "Good Day!"
And you turn right around and accuse me of stating a truth that exists only in my mind. But it's not just in my mind - quite a few folks agree with me. They just don't bother engaging in pointless arguments with someone who doesn't wish to consider other points of view and thus doesn't listen.
Hello there Stu Bee I agree. This is a question that for many cannot be answered. In geometry the area of a given space is not that of opinion, it is or it isnt. In this question the measure of "irritant" is strictly a matter of opinion, as well as is "ignorance". If someone finds him neither irritating or ignorant then they cannot choose 2 of the 3. That aside, how can one be a "quotient", would they not instead be a measure of said quotient?..