1 Lawyers
2 Bankers
3 Traffic Wardens
4 Politicians
5 A N Other - please specify
Paedophiles, rapists, pimps, terrorists.
It's hardly fair to tar all Muslims with the same brush as the terrorists, is it, Chief?
I have lived in three Muslim countries for a total of 19 years and have found the people of Islam to be the nicest, friendliest and most gentle you could ever hope to meet
5. Violent criminals ---especially those who harm children
It is super important to love everyone. We should show kindness to everyone. If the world was more loving we would not have so much violence and mental illness. I love everyone. Jesus says love your enemies," pray for those who hate you and despitefully use you." The terrorists don't realize that they are being deceived by Satan, who is roaming this world to devour whoever does not love God. They are easy picking.
I've never lived in a Muslim country but I have met one or two Muslims and they seemed nice and friendly. I have never personally encountered any of the terrorists associated with Islam, so I don't think it's fair to tar all Muslims with that brush.
Darth Cheney.
That's good Andy; I read yesterday that half of the babies being born in the UK are not white English, but muslim country heritage. Your country has been taken over like Sweden. Of course, what I read may not be accurate and I cannot say where I read it.