I'm thinking about becoming an Olympian for the next games in Japan. I figure I will have four years to get ready. I do, however, want to make sure that I medal. What would be a good Olympic sport for a middle age man to learn and master?
I doubt if even The Special Olympics are easy to master.
That's funny, wasn't expecting that. Thank you,Q, for responding.
That's not very encouraging.
They don't give medals for that. That's the whole thing you see?
Hide and seek!
The best bets appear to be shooting (rifle) and archery, in that order, based on the oldest participants to have won gold so far.
Table tennis.
10 meter air rifle is your only hope
City planning.
There you go, that's a good one. Very funny. That doesn't seem too difficult to learn.
Yeah. Yeah. Dear Ms M. But I don't want them to think I won because that's the only thing I can do. I want to look tuogh,. I was thinking something like.a.marathon. Given, I admit, that I can't really run one mile without some kind of therapy half way through it, I think that four years would be enough to train for what? 12.5 miles right?
Yeah, I thought about that, but I've seen them do some hillacious (I don't know if that's a word or not but it sounds right) anyway, some hillacious stretches. I don't think my loins could stretch like that and come back to their original.position. Thanks tho. Good suggestion.
So I keep hearing. But that's a little too slow. I'm looking for something between. Flyweight boxing and golf. I'd still like to look like I'm sweating you know. . . A little.
You must think I'm kidding Jewels.
That was funny, Stu B the AB Refugee!
Yes, I think you might have a good chance with this one, NotHarryPotter!
Perhaps you could use helium balloons or nitrous oxide for assistance: start a new category.
Actually, some old blokes do extremely well in endurance.
Dressage riders have got to the Olympics in their 70's, but that takes at least 12 years & far too much money.
How about down-hill skiing?
Darts. Or Javelin. Would be fun.
Money is the whole thing. You see, without it no country would be willing to host. If no one shows up then the whole thing is a bust. It has lost its glory.
City planning was an Olympic event 1928 thru 1948.
Oh, damm.
Well it's only 12.5 miles more, right? Can't be that much more hard.