A friend lost her home and has been living in a trailer since the evacuation last Friday. The air quality here ( I live 2 hours from the Camp Fire) is in the red, meaning people with asthma, children, seniors are advised to remain indoors. I just saw the list of school closures in my area alone this morning - almost 20 schools are shut down due to poor air quality. We are good, because we still have a home, and are safe from all of the fires, but so many firefighters have lost their homes, people are still missing, animals are misplaced, and all because PG&E YET AGAIN is responsible for not maintaining the crappy equipment, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I am so angry. I have lived here all of my life, and the past two years I have never seen more destruction from fires. It's sickening.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 13, 2018 1:42 PM MST
Hello Mary Hartman Mary Hartman...I mean Lavender. It is so sad to see this..we also had the San Bruno fires due to PG&E gas mains. This infrastructure is old and not very well maintained...
Hey there, designer. Oh yes, I will never forget the San Bruno tragedy. At the time, I lived about an hour east of there. Very sad, and very, very unnecessary deaths, just as these current fires are and the fires last year. If the PG&E suits could do jail time for the destruction and lives lost, it still wouldn't be enough, but it would be a start. That will never happen though, sadly.
I am so very sorry lavender. I understand 200 people are still missing. That 70,000 folks are in the path of the fires. That the entire town of Paradise was 80-90% destroyed. That 7600 homes and structures burned to the ground. So far as I have heard. It is a very sad and tragic time. My thoughts are with you and I hope your air is safe enough to breathe so that it won't cause problems for you in the future. The irony of Paradise being destroyed seems doubly cruel. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday under the circumstances.
Thank you very much, Rosie, and a Happy Tuesday to you as well. The air quality changes nearly every hour, depending on the drift of the breeze. We just went from Red to Orange. Orange is still bad, but a small improvement. airnow.gov is the source that I refer to. Thanks for your kind words, Rosie.
Hello Rosie My son,who lives above malibu was evacuated last Thurs. at 3 a.m.. he hasn't been home since. They were evacuated to a motel, and then evacuated another time from the 2nd motel. They drove up to the house over the weekend and are staying here. They still haven't heard the condition of their place but all power in the area is out and roads are closed. We are all hoping they have a home to go back to This pic was taken as they were evacuating
This post was edited by designer at November 13, 2018 1:42 PM MST
The photo didn't come through initially. I see it now and it is like something you'd see in a movie. Thank you for sharing it. The reason and circumstances are very sad.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 13, 2018 2:15 PM MST
Thank you Rosie. It is so sad..1000's of people have had their lives turned upside down..I pray for them all... My son and his fiance are back up at my house for awhile...
Hello Rosie Thank you ... We heard this morning that his place is still standing..he has a townhouse and about 1)2 the homes have significant damage. The power is still off but they are headed back. It is very sad and it really gets me that some are politicizing this tragedy...these are real lives that have been affected.. Thanks again for your comments
Down our way the towns of Fontana and Rialto are experiencing devastating fires as of yesterday. Not on the scale of the Paradise tragedy. When high winds kick up it exacerbates everything. It is autumn. Usually the "fire season" is during the summer. There is no longer a "usual". Anything goes. Anything is possible. We hope for the best. We deal with the worst. We try to survive. We keep on truckin'. You are welcome. Happy Thursday.
So sad. I hope your son is now safe, and I hope the home is still standing when all is said and done. I read that California is getting aid from 17 other states. I think that fire down there is worse because of those Santa Ana winds. My mom's cousin is a retired Chief of Police in Malibu, however he is now living up here in NorCal.
Thank you Lavender.. They are safe and sound up at my house, they came up over the weekend...even though this is a tragedy I am so happy to have them home for a while...
Surely if they're "not so hot" they're okay, no? Logic.
My heart goes out to all affected by the Californian wildfires. I grew up in bushfire country myself (evacuated in 1977 but the house was saved, the house that hosted my pre-wedding stag party burned down in the 1996 bushfire), so I'm acutely aware of how terrifying an out-of-control fire can be. Hopefully Hemet is safe.