Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per someone the john of don is upsetter than usual. Why? Smackdown at his lack of care for Veterans? Smackdown on Election Day HUGE LOSSES?

Per someone the john of don is upsetter than usual. Why? Smackdown at his lack of care for Veterans? Smackdown on Election Day HUGE LOSSES?

There'll be he** to pay and who will be his target? Never him. Not him. Minus him. Everyone else. Anyone else. As long as the name you name ain't his he will buy it and apply it. Rely on it! SIGH. :(

Posted - November 14, 2018


  • 11389
    Well I guess he had to cancel going to the graves of the World war one soldiers because he lost his umbrella last week when he couldn't close it so he left it out side the plane.  During the first World war there were many soldiers living in trenches with muck up to their knees and Trump cancels honouring them because of a little rain. What really made me shake my head about the meetings in France was seeing a group photo of Trump and the French and German presidents watching Putin approach then - The French and German presidents seemed to be looking at Putin with contempt but Trump was grinning from ear to ear. I'm working on a new Trump/Putin joke here is what I got so far - is that a dictator in your pocket or are you just glad to see me. I'm sure Trump is upset about changes in the house and he will blame everybody and their dog. Cheers!
      November 14, 2018 10:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    Are you sure you're not an American my friend? You sure talk like one only you're much funnier than the average standard Dem/Lib. I'm sure the john of don would LOVE to learn that such a joke was dedicated to and all about him! Doesn't matter what you say or how you spell his name. Just let no other thought cross your mind but the john of don.  I take that back. I wouldn't wish that on an enemy let alone a pal. Forget I said it! The guy draft dodged due to "bone spurs" What weak willy wimp! He shows not only lack of respect but utter contempt for the military. There are not words in any language to completely and accurately describe the disgust he engenders in everyone whose path he crosses. Except for the besotted trumpicans. They cain't hep it! Thank you for your thoughtful reply Nanoose and Happy Wednesday to youse (it rhymes but you know that!)
      November 14, 2018 11:04 AM MST

  • 11389
    Well I don't know who  my biological father is so maybe I'm half American. Sometimes I like to think that I am the Love Child of Bob Kennedy -  Bob Kennedy  was an actor and the host of a Detroit TV show in the 50's  and my mother and her family did a lot of business in Detroit back then. I think the military is loosing respect for their commander and chief - right now satellite photos are showing signs that North Korea might be going full steam ahead with their nuclear program. and that's what Trump should be concentrating on.  Last week the military also stopped referring to the border deployment as Operation Faithfull Patriot - now they just refer to as Addition border  security (or something like that) I bet  it rotted Trumps socks when he heard about that. Cheers!
      November 14, 2018 5:15 PM MST

  • 113301
    You do know that I was born in Highland Park, Michigan.. suburb of Detroit, right Nanoose? I've never heard of Bob Kennedy but of course Robert Kennedy, younger brother of JFK, was a very good guy whom I admired a lot. JFK was assassinated in Texas and Bobby was assassinated in Los Angeles. Who knows what our world would have been like had they lived out their lives and finished whatever jobs they were supposed to do? I think of you as  a compatriot and so maybe that is literally true! There is something uniquely American about you...the good kind of American! But also definitely Canadian. The best of both countries. Let's just leave it at that! Thank you for sharing that info with me m'dear. With regard to the North Korea escalation/continuation the john insists everything is swell as he** while we see or learn that they have 16 hidden locations (if they're hidden how do we know there are 16?) working on the nuclear buildup. They cancelled a meeting with Pompeo. Meanwhile the delusional don ignores reality and continues living in his oddly configured bubble. As for sending the military to the border isn't that illegal? Isn't there some law that says you cannot use the military for domestic purposes? Passe comitat or something? I'm gonna look it up!  Happy Thursday Nanoose. Wonder what the john of don has in store for us today besides whiny kvetching?
      November 15, 2018 3:16 AM MST

  • 11389

    Ya it just dawned on me that the guys name was Bill Kenndy he was on channel 50. Cheers!

      November 15, 2018 8:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh. Bill Kennedy I also never heard of but thanks for the correction.  Detrioit Channel 50 not Canadian 50? There is no coordination from state to state with respect to channels. I think there should be. I"m gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Nanoose.
      November 15, 2018 8:48 AM MST

  • 19937
    If you were wearing that half dead rodent on top of your head, would you want to get it wet?  I think that by the time someone reaches Trump's age, they should be adept at opening and closing an umbrella.  As for his glee at seeing Putin, he knows he can't get away with the same nasty bullying with him that he gets away with the others and we all know that Trump has little respect for women - even when they are in high positions in their own countries.
      November 14, 2018 1:03 PM MST

  • 11389
    Ya I figure Donald Trump has a long history of not fully  understanding how a umbrella should work - I have seen him at least 3 times holding a umbrella and staying dry well his wife that was walking beside him got wet because he hogged the umbrella. What scares me about Trump and Putin is I figure Trump thinks he has the upper hand with Putin and or he thinks Putin is a loyal friend. Cheers! 
      November 14, 2018 4:35 PM MST

  • 19937
    I've seen those photos of him with the umbrella and her in the rain, too.  I really wouldn't expect anything more of him since he's the only one that counts.  I agree with what you said about Trump thinking Putin is a friend.  He had glowing remarks about Kim Jung Un and now it appears Kimmie is building even more nuclear testing facilities than tHey thought.  
      November 14, 2018 6:28 PM MST

  • 113301
      November 15, 2018 3:18 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 15, 2018 3:18 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 15, 2018 3:17 AM MST

  • 17048
    The fact that the electoral commission is refusing to declare the gubanatorial election in Georgia (a red State) in favor of his buddy Kemp until EVERY VOTE IS COUNTED is upsetting him - the large number of provisional votes practically ensures a runoff. Kemp tried to rig the vote and still couldn't beat Stacey Abrams fairly. 
      November 14, 2018 5:03 PM MST

  • 113301
    He is beside himself Sbf! Furious that he cannot control everything. He's not going on planned trips but sending surrogates. I expect he is an emotional eater and will probably put on many extra pounds during this stressful time. Poor man. Literally. Poor in terms of everything that matters. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 15, 2018 3:20 AM MST