A bit of research indicates 'very few atheists support Trump'. No details why or who they are -race gender etc. Maybe 'those few atheists' just think he's cute?
If true I would advise that they get their eyes checked IMMEDIATELY Kg. Glaucoma can make folks blind. Cataracts can blind them too. Cute is not a word I would apply to the john of don. A kitten is cute. So is a puppy. Kids who smile when they see Santa Claus are cute. I cannot think of a scenario that would render baby blimp "cute". Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
You are aware that some of the Religious Right powers-that-be claim God elevated Trump to become president of the United States of America? So then being a Trump supporter would be considered a form of praise to the Lord. Anyone changing their mind about supporting The Donald might be regarded as being deceived by Satan.
No I did not know that Kg although I do remember a ditzy Republican pol years ago saying God sent her to Washington, D.C. So while I did not know it does not surprise me. So their GOD is obviously a white supremacist white nationalist supportive of authoritarians, despots and dictators? I gotta ask that question. I will give you indirect attribution. SIGH. My gawd! How awfuller will it get? Thank you for your reply Kg. Here goes!
This post was edited by RosieG at November 16, 2018 1:07 PM MST
Hello Rosie No, it is not a requirement and I, as an atheist am proof of that. I also provide an example of how we are not all racist's, misogynists, nazi's or support despotism. This is why we shouldn't assume that all people in a certain group are of one mind. Not all people of a certain race, religion, nationality or political party think exactly the same way. Even as an atheist I still encourage and support religious liberty and even further I like the idea of a God. I often say just because you don't believe the story doesn't mean the story cant be good. If we are to celebrate diversity should we not include diversity of individual thought. Now if you cite a specific example of racism from an individual I will stand with you in condemning that act, but if you are going to lump everyone together in a group as racists, religious bigots etc. I will not.