in California. Lost everything. Where is the response from the President? Where is the love?
Related to your question, I live in a very Pro President Trump area.
I sometimes tire of hearing the 'Post Presidential Remarks' "rationalizations" from some of his base. Rationalizing his words after he speaks.
I sometimes tire of hearing the 'Post Presidential Actions' "rationalizations" from some of his base. Rationalizing his actions after he acts.
I sometimes tire of hearing the rationalizations for everything the man does or does not do and rationalizations for everything the man says or does not say.
For instance, I saw the President mocking a reporter.
I heard the President call people names like "stupid."
I read one of the President's recent tweets about the California wildfires.
I noticed his absence at a French cemetery.
The man can speak and act for himself.
And he does.
No need for further explanations from some of his base.
Except, for me, it DOES matter what a President says or doesn't say.
It DOES matter to me how a President 'behaves,' for lack of a better term.
And to just to excuse all of the words and behaviors because one 'supports his policies' (which I hear a lot) somehow doesn't cut it for me. To me, a President is held to higher standards than just anybody.
And, yes, I include all Presidents with my thoughts here, not just the current President.