I grow at least 100 tomato plants per year. I sort of worship them and care for them as time allows. They often reward me with blue ribbons at the county fair. I have not won a 'Best of Show' ribbon in tomatoes yet. I hope to before I am too old to handle the rototiller and bend over to pull weeds. Meanwhile, I still have plenty of tasty tomatoes to eat.
I like 'em in a BLT or just sliced. These are mostly open pollinated tomatoes with lots of flavor just like grandma's garden in the 50s when I was a kid.
I have a fern in my kitchen that is about a year old now and is getting bigger all the time. I also have two prickly pear cacti that would gladly take over my back yard if I let them. You can take one pad and stick it in the ground and it will begin to grow. The flowers are beautiful!
Oh, I love succulents and succulent blooms. I was recently in the Sonoran desert and it was a bit greener due to the recent rains. I can't wait to go back when the desert is in full bloom :)