Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Is there anyone or anything that is powerful enough to DELIVER US FROM EVIL? Isn't that a job we have to do for ourselves?
In the Lord's prayer (Found in Matthew chapter 6) you find verse 13 which reads: "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]
The Greek word for "deliver us" in that verse is RUSAIHMAS which is a very expressive word and means to break our chains, and loose our bands-snatch, pluck us from the evil, and its calamitous issue. Only GOD can deliver us from that evil and the author of evil, Satan. Humans have never had the power to deliver themselves from the very thing they gleefully commit on a daily basis and they're deluding themselves if they think they do have that power. :)
To be "delivered" from evil ... one must first define what "evil" is.
Physical Abuse is generally accepted as "evil". I don't see any god stepping in and preventing it ... or taking people out of those situations. Therefore, it is illogical and unreasonable to depend on some deity to "deliver" people out of evil. So it follows that it is up to us to do it.
An evil person sees good as evil so eye of the beholder is always there. Being lied to is evil. Being betrayed is evil. Being taught to hate "the other" is evil. Being sabotaged harmed hurt is evil. Much evil there is to deliver ourselves from. Gotta be tough and determined and strong and ever-vigilant. Of course there are those who are seduced by evil and surrender to it willingly. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
"You have to be taught to hate"? Yes m'dear I am familiar with it. Racist kids grow up and become racist parents who bring up their kids to be racists whose kids become racists. The legacy racists pass on to their progeny. "You have to be carefully taught". SIGH. Thank you for your question Walt! :)
Ya do? Is that some ancient monster Walt? I think in ancient history there is such a one as that only I cannot recall its name.I have no picture/photo in mind with "eye of the beholder" since for me it is simply an abstract meaning each of us decides for ourselves what is and is not. My eye and your eye may or may not be similar though I think they are not all that dissimilar. Thank you for your reply! :)
It's a D&D Beholder monster. (yeah, I'm a Nerd. lol) It has an eye on every stalk ... and they each shoot different magical beams. It's one of the monsters that even high-level players dread.
This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at November 20, 2018 10:36 AM MST
Oh my gosh! My kid and his buddies were very much into it when he was about 12 Walt! He's 52 now! I asked him once to design a dungeon inhabited by unicorns where no one was killed. I guess he tried and a few days later he told me it wouldn't work because the whole point was to slay monsters and gain magical powers. Takes me back to the good old days! Thank you for your reply m'dear!
I actually designed a dungeon where nobody got killed, when I was in high school. But there weren't any monsters in it, either. Just a "butt load" of traps ... which would transport you to random locations (based on a die roll).
It was the first and last time the other players let me be the DM.
But they learned the lesson of having a well-rounded party. LOL
You DID? ((hugs)) That's for doing it. I've been a devoted fan of Unicorns since I was 16 and I kinda wanted a peaceful dungeon where Unicorns could roam freely and safely but I sure would have been happy with yours! After all these years I finally got vicariously retroactively what I wanted long ago. See how life works? Be patient enough and maybe eventually you will luck out too! Thank you for sharing that info and Happy Wednesday Walt! :)
No it is not up to us. We can control ourselves and not commit evil, but if we mess up, often times we don't realize it until we have learned a hard lesson. We ask GOD to teach us awareness so we thank Him for the lesson and ask that he deliver us from evil so we remember not to commit bad action again.
That's one take. ONLY one. There are several messages in that saying. It takes time and study to learn spirituality. It is not something that you hear some words and that is what you think it means to you.
It takes about four years for someone to learn how the alphabet works. You don't learn to write in a day. It takes continued contemplation and practice.
Why would it be less for the most important gift we have? Conscious contact with God.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply Sharon. Well we can do our part by avoiding evildoers and not going to evil places or having evil thoughts and not doing evil ourselves. If evil engages us we can fight like he** and refuse to roll over into a fetal position and whine. Not that I am challenging evil to prove me wrong. I'm not. I just don't venture to the wild side to see how others live. I have no interest in it so I don't do it. I don't live life on the edge. I don't play games of chicken. So far it has worked for me. Tomorrow is another day and maybe it won't but I will cross that bridge when I encounter it and perhaps I never shall.