Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The BIG THREE WHOOPEES for trumpicans is Tax Cuts, Conservative Judges and Immigration Blockade. Right? What else do y'all adore more?
Though I'm not a trumpican I do like the ideas of tax cuts and conservative judges. Tax cuts gives the worker more money to spend thus helping the economy to grow. Conservative judges tend to keep our system of law, the Constitution, and the Amendments intact, as they were meant to be. I'm not for blocking immigration but I am for blocking "illegal" immigration. :)
A very sane take, however, it is just too simplistic to explain what is now going on.
Trump broke everything. He has broken so many laws that it is hard to keep up, much less charge him for everything. I hope Mueller has a lot of coffee. YOU SEE MUELLER is a much more informed Conservative than you or Trump will EVER be.
And REAL conservative judges do not exist in the Court of what matters, meaning TRUMP chose and hand-picked the shadiest conservatives imaginable.
Kavanaugh? Are you KIDDING ME? A swine and a liar. Who cares what his political bent may be. He is not voting on his beliefs. He is voting on TRUMP's beliefs and sold his soul for fame. Too bad he cannot tell the difference between fame and infamy.
He sold his soul and the price will be something I would not pay for any fame, any title, nor any fake glory.
And now we have that other piece of work he put in as Attorney General.
The morons in the Administration have desecrated the meaning of Conservative. It now means. MORE FOR ME and screw you.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 20, 2018 10:14 AM MST