Mysteriously, this "Stu Bee" person happens along and slowly starts to horn in on my territory. The ruse is that he's supposedly an ally, but little by little, I'm beginning to recognize the signs of the coup that's about to take place here. Do you conspirators think I have seen the strange vehicles parked outside of my residence and my workplace at odd hours of the day? Were the phone calls from unknown numbers wherein no one says anything but just hangs up part of this subterfuge? The footsteps following me late at night on dark streets, I turn around and no one is there. People I don't even know suddenly striking up conversations with me asking subtle yet probing questions. Notes left in places I'm sure to find them, filled with undecipherable scribble and foreign characters. The beeps and dings on my electronic devices that you've obviously bugged. The helicopters circling high overhead, most likely loaded to the gills with monitoring equipment, right?
How do I know he's even a real person and not just some algorithm, some computer program you've cooked up to phase out the old Randy D, tried and true, then put this android in my place? Well, if you thought it would be easy to get to me, you'd better think again. Grrrrrrrrrr.