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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The chickensh** prez sanctioned the butchering of Khashoggi but refuses to listen to it. Weak man. Frightened man. GREEDY man?

The chickensh** prez sanctioned the butchering of Khashoggi but refuses to listen to it. Weak man. Frightened man. GREEDY man?

At the VERY LEAST he should have the CAJONES to listen to the dam* tape. He sided with the Saudis and supports the butcher known as the Crown Prince. He does that for future monetary gain for himself. He should at least BE FORCED to listen to the gruesome sounds of a man being tortured and then once beheaded no sound at all from him but probably plenty of happy noises from the butcher dismembering savages who are high-fiving one another VERBALLY! Chicken man. Scairy cat. Too delicate to listen to what he supports sanctions approved of and defends nd INSURES will keep happening because the world sees he approved of it. Sheesh!  :(

Posted - November 21, 2018


  • 53676

      I venture that there are many people who don't want to listen to something like that, perhaps including the victim's loved ones; do you also find fault with all of them, or only with Trump because of your seething, blind hatred for him?
      November 21, 2018 6:12 AM MST

  • 11389
    I think it's his duty to listen to the tape because it's him  that has to decide what to do about it.  Cheers!
      November 21, 2018 9:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    He decided Nanoose! He said yesterday "we stand with Saudi Arabia". Case closed. He admires the butchers of the world Nanoose. Everyone says so including him. A butcher-loving scairdy cat whose world revolves around the money he can make for himself. He is a one-dimensional papier mache nothing. His peeps love that about him. Go figger! Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 21, 2018 12:48 PM MST