For some reason, (well, I can think of many but others would get tired of reading them all :)) your presence just makes me smile. When I see you, I think, "OH YEAAA! Beans is here!!" and I start smiling from head to toe! Thank you for having that power over me. I really like it. It's the weirdest thing. :) :)
Laughter is the shortest distance. between two people - Victor Borge. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people as it connects us and helps keep things in perspective. It can lighten any situation can reduce stress and tension, and allows us to be human.
This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at April 15, 2019 9:21 AM MDT
This is true. Also, I think people want to fit in. Laughing is a gesture that shows a carefree, you are accepted, attitude. We are happy and you are welcome to be happy with us. Who doesn't want to be in a group that is happy? Not many. Big smiles!
You have such a way with words!! I am having a very big face lift right now. In fact, I was just talking about smile lines a moment ago. Some people call them Crow's Feet. I have found they come out when you smiles and crows have nothing to do with them. Granted, I do have a crow friend named Crawford and another named Clifford. They have never jumped on my face and imprinted their feet. I asked them about it. Their feelings were hurt they were used in such a derogatory way and have no clue as to why people called those wrinkles Crow's Feet. I reassured them I have Smile Lines and not Crow's Feet and they seemed to be content with that answer.
A face lift is a fantastic way to think about smiling! :) It does make you feel younger. It gives your face muscles a good workout. If you would like to take it a step further, you could laugh. I assume that would be considered an aerobic workout for your face and facelift do need to be exercised, otherwise, they sag too soon again. We couldn't have that! ;)
And... there are Two other things about your face lift that makes them so wonderful. They cost nothing for starters. That is a blessing and the other is they are contagious. It is one of the few things in life that is contagious and is good.
Thank you for all the face lifts you've given me though out the years. My face, mind, and soul truly are better for it. :) :)
I wouldn't even think of it any other way but for merriment and joyousness. Laughing at someone else's misfortune isn't an option. I don't even rubberneck at accidents. It bothers me that people think it is funny when others get hurt or something bad happens to them. Laughter is meant to share and enjoy. I absolutely, unequivocally, indubitably, without hesitation, agree, whole-heartedly. ;)
This post was edited by Merlin at April 15, 2019 9:22 AM MDT
I listen to CD's by Carolyn Myss, a medical intuitive. She speaks of an incident where a lady driving by an accident, said a fervent prayer for the victims.
It turns out that later she received a card in the mail from the victim, who was near death, stating Thank you for your prayers.
She saw the woman praying for her when she was temporarily out of body and remembered the license plate and tracked her down to say thank you.
I don't think Carolyn needs to make things up. I believe this story and I always pray any time I see an accident.
Now that gave me Happy Goosebumps! It would be nice if all people felt this way. Help them. Don't laugh at them. I'm sure she didn't make it up either. Thank you for sharing. It is a good thing to do and obviously, it helped. Huge Smiles! I will remember this and make a practice of it also. See?! You helped others without even knowing. Yippeee!
I am grateful and thankful for you as a friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!