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Does any former Republican or Conservative dislike Ronald Reagan? Didn't everyone LOVE HIM? What would Reagan think of john the don? Why?

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 1305
    I don't think Reagan was spotless, he lied about knowing that the US was selling arms to the enemy Iran, in exchange for hostages being held by Pro-Iranian terror groups the profits of which financed a secret CIA operation involving the contra's in Nicaragua, (Iran-contra affair). When he did admit to this having been in fact true he blamed "the secret powers within the intelligence agency" for manipulating and lying to him, however this was another lie as he had known, since Vice President George Bush Senior was the former head of the CIA, as well as member Skull and Bones. While in officer Reagan was made an honorary 33rd mason, and since then all presidents have been members of secret orders.
      November 23, 2018 12:02 PM MST

  • 113301
    I don't think he was spotless kj. You didn't answer my question though. Would you please do so? Apply what you think about whom Reagan was, warts and all, then extrapolate to how he would react to the guy who has the job he had? Can you do that? Can you try? This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 12:12 PM MST
      November 23, 2018 12:11 PM MST

  • 35005
    Reagan was a good President. Reagan would like President Trump.
    Reagan wanted to secure the border as well....he trusted the Dems to do it after the amnesty. 
    Reagan was about peace through strength. 
    Pitting Amercian workers first, lower taxes, getting government out of the way. 
    Yes, Reagan would like Trump. Trump is bringing back and continuing what Reagan started. 
      November 23, 2018 1:24 PM MST

  • 2706
    I have no idea if any "former" Republican or conservative disliked Reagan or not because I don't know any former Republicans or conservatives and I'm not about to speculate. Speaking for myself, I am not a Republican, former or otherwise, but I am a conservative and I liked Reagan. Didn't everyone love him? Knowing human nature and politics, I'd have to say no. But then I'm sure you already knew that. I believe that Reagan would like President Trump because of the positive things he is trying to do for this country just as he did. 
      November 23, 2018 1:56 PM MST