Why on earth did you feel compelled to make this political? How does "liberal progressive thinking" answer my question? You have seriously disappointed me kj. Oh well. So what right? :(
There is nowhere in your question where it states I cannot include politics. I'm gathering you haven't clicked on the link regarding the Frankfurt school before telling me that you are disappointed with my comments regarding liberal progressive thinking. You don't think the media and education has any effect on the governing of man's minds? Everyone likes to think that their thoughts are their own and cannot be manipulated.
I'm also gathering you haven't clicked on the other link either, this is much more than political, many influential people in history such as Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Dee (mathematician, scientist, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, Aleister Crowley, Madam Blavatsky, George Washington were involved in secret societies and the occult, many of which claim to practice Kabbalah, automatic writing, and converse with angels and demons, who they claim have guided mans evolution; is that too political? :)
This post was edited by kjames at December 4, 2018 3:09 PM MST
How many do you know about, and what do you know about them? Bearing in mind 23 of the founding fathers were freemasons, and presidents such as the Bush's have been skull and bones members?
The only SECRET society I know about, is the one I belong to.
That's the whole point of something being SECRET. Nobody else knows it exists.
The theories of Freemasons being a secret society began with ... the Catholic Church. It was the only explanation they had for a diverse group of men getting together. "They can't actually have anything in common, other than conspiring against US." And so in 1738 Pope Clement XII issued the Catholic Church's first decree against Freemasonry -- and it still applies today.
Just because a group has rituals they don't share with non-members, doesn't make them a secret society. My brother was in DeMolay. They have rituals they don't share. Then they have rituals you can invite family to. Even the Boy Scouts had such rituals, when I was in them.
This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at December 5, 2018 10:31 AM MST
I completely reject the idea that everything is completely random, unplanned, and happened over billions of years to make us here now as we are. Even before I became a believer in and follower of Jesus, I always thought the idea of evolution was stupid. Of course, evolutionists think I'm stupid for believing what I do. As time went on and the more I studied in that area, the more it looked like everything was planned. It just seemed much more logical to me. Now, I believe beyond a doubt that "In the beginning, God created the heavens the earth and every living creature including man and woman. Random, unplanned, just happened= Illogical. Planned and created by God= Logical.
If you don't accept random, why would the idea of evolution be STUPID???? I think you need to learn a little before you start spouting what you want to be true.
Evolution is based, in large part, on randomness (random mutations, etc). God is not random so I reject the idea of randomness in regards to what we see around us. I think you need to learn a little and pay closer attention to what was asked and how I answered before you start spouting what you want or think to be true.
Endless questions can be asked and answers are always guesswork for what had happened billions of years ago but they agree that no intelligence was required or any kind of design but it just happened to be so according to the circumstances and the events (randomness), they don't even dare to call it coincidences, chances, and accidents because it'll show how stupid their theory is, and if we say mutations are random then they'll say "but natural selection isn't". If we ask why we can't see any change of kinds, then their answer will be "it takes millions of years for that to happen".
If we take evolution of a species ... it is not random, but neither is it "planned" in the usual sense of the term. Animals have an instinct to mate with the best choice, but I wouldn't call that "planning" as there is no real intelligence behind it. But neither is it random, or there would be attempts at cross-species mating.
As a parent with 3 boys, I remember with pleasure the many things I did to assure that they had an interesting and exciting upbringing.
My preference for what is, is that there is another "someone" on a higher level than I who has been doing the same thing for me all my life---no compelling proof, but it would fit nicely for me.
If things were to turn out to have been random and unplanned, then I would have to say I have been extremely "lucky."