Yes, I have. My best friend was married to an abusive idiot, and he HATED it when I would go to "his" house to visit with her. I didn't care though. I had known him since I was about 15 years old, never liked him, never trusted him. He hated me, because he was jealous of my friendship with his wife ( I had known her since Kindergarten). It was awkward sometimes, but I never let that stop me from going over there. I always called him on his crap, which was another reason he hated me.
YOU WERE WANTED and NEEDED by your friend lavender. He doesn't count. She does. Thank you for your reply and condolences to her. Did she survive his crap? :)
Thank you, Rosie. Yes, about 8 years before she passed away, she left him. Strangely enough, they became friends after, and he never laid a hand her after their divorce. He even helped her when she was ill. That doesn't excuse his verbal and physical abuse while they were a couple, but people can change if they choose to. I don't speak to him, but I have had to learn to forgive him.
The evil that folks did will never be erased no matter how they comport themselves ever after and no matter how regretful they are. Never. All they can do is to stop building up more crap to dd to the crap they already did. They are still what they were when the did the evil. In my opinion. SIGH. Thank you for your reply lavender.
I only go were I am welcome these days. But sometimes gangs or the mob will go were they are not welcome but it's a what you going to do about it thing. Cheers!
Surely you don't have a problem with gangs or THE MOB on your beautiful Canadian Island do you Nanoose? I sure hope not! Thank you for your reply. I never knowingly go where I'm unwelcome and if I feel unwelcome I leave and never return! Suits me to a T! :)
Ya we have gangs and mobs and a hate groups but were working on a plan to get rib of them. What we don't have is a National debt - Canada paid that off last week and I am proud about that. Cheers!
That is way AWESOME m'dear! Your government is guided by smarts. Our government since January 2017 is guided by needy greedy seedy creepy. No competition there! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
Maybe. It would depend on WHY I was "persona non grata" ... and if I wanted to be petty.
Of course if they really didn't want me there, they wouldn't have to let me in. I don't understand people who think just because someone knocks on their door or calls their phone, they have to answer. I don't care if I like someone. If they show up to my house uninvited or without planning ahead with me - I'm not answering the door. Well ... I'll make an exception for Publishers Clearing House Prize Van. But once I get the big check, they're out. LOL