(The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants) -Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac in a speech to the French national assembly, January 16, 1793.
Make an impeachment stick. If Trump is actually jailed (or if Nixon had been), it could well prevent criminals from trying to get their claws on the launch codes. He won't be, Pence will pardon him. History ALWAYS repeats.
The youth movement might be the game changer in American politics. Brats in battalions ruling the streets saying generation landslide close the gap between them. And I laugh to myself at the men and the ladies who never conceived of those billion dollar babies (stole that last part from Alice Cooper) Cheers and happy weekend!
Now the big game changer comes when Mueller reveals what is up.
The big game changer has also come in the form of the Dems demolishing Trump's monopoly on who works where according to his movie. His B- Movie has been seen for what it really is, big cinematic FLOP for all the world to NOT go watch.
Another big game changer will arrive in 2020.
Whether or not he even gets to serve out his first term? Oh, Lordy mama. That would be the end game. Pence in his chair would be much more malleable. He is not going to jail for anyone. He is not going to serve Trump. All Trump was to him was a free ticket to the Oval Office. Something no one else would ever have offered him. If the Dems get on his back, I think he will fold. Imagine him trying to start a war with anyone. That takes gumption and he has zerol