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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The "prez" is swinging overhead held up by a thread. Who will be holding the scissors or knife to make the final cut to bring him DOWN?

The "prez" is swinging overhead held up by a thread. Who will be holding the scissors or knife to make the final cut to bring him DOWN?

Posted - December 13, 2018


  • 17036
    I'd rather he remains swinging - suspended by a noose around his neck.
      December 13, 2018 3:33 AM MST

  • 113301
    Metaphorically/figuratively of course. Things are closing in on him very fast. I'm loving every minute of it. Can you actually believe the toady spineless Senate in bipartisan fashion verbally attacked the Saudis for Yemen genocide and the Khashoggi atrocity and promise sanctions? Finally? Even that toady jacka** Lindsay Graham could not stomach it. Now how da prez reacts to that (the Senate is giving him the middle finger) we shall see.  He will have to rant and rage and retaliate tweetly. What I wonder is long can he hold it together before he implodes/explodes/disintegrates/dissolves/disappears? How many fights engage him simultaneously? How many legal problems can he handle simultaneously? How many employee defections can he withstand? How many deals to save their butts by former "close friends" can he handle? The madness is getting more apparent. The wackadoodle in him has now taken over completely. Stay tuned. Oh. I wonder if Pence will ever live down his wooden performance totally unplugged and disengaged at the Chuck & Nancy show where they took down da prez in front of the entire world? It was fun to watch. Da prez has no idea what a fool he is or how he comes across. I wonder what would happen if one day the realization of what he is and how he is perceived gets through to him? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      December 13, 2018 4:29 AM MST

  • 11372
    It will be the FBI but it will be Trumps big mouth that sharpens their scissors. Cheers!
      December 13, 2018 10:15 AM MST