Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» One day a COMEUPPANCE will personally be delivered by hand to da prez. By whose hand would YOU like that comeuppance to be delivered?
He is the conduit L. Not the source. Don't know if the coup de grace will be due to Mike Flynn, Michael Cohen, the long-time chief financial officer of the trump organization, the boss of The National Enquirer, the Russian spy dame who decided to "cooperate" etcetera etcetera etcetera. There are DOZENS of them so far and by the time this is all over it may well be HUNDREDS. Thank you for your reply! :)
I think his downfall with be due to the large number of people who are more interested in saving themselves than saving him at this point. I'm sure they have finally realized that he is not loyal to them and they now realize they're on their own.
There are SO MANY investigations going on simultaneously and dozens of folks who have cooperated so far with more to come undoubtedly. And yet his base insists along with him "they" are out to get him. Now just imagine if that were true the number of people that would have had to be involved in a conspiracy against him. Including all those who sacrificed themselves by going to jail? I mean it strains credulity that there are so many of his supporters who continue to believe in him and believe what he says is true. I cannot explain it L. Can you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
No, I can't explain it. When you think of all the indictments, all the people willing to testify as to what they know, all the plea bargains, etc., folks would realize that there has to be something more to this than a "witch hunt" and "fake news."
I have no idea what you just said Nanoose. Should I Google it or d'ya wanna clue me in? Now if you'd said "PASTA" God I'd leave it there. But Rasta ain't pasta! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
Jah is the name some realigns use for God - they all have different conceptions of what Jah looks like and how he wants us to live. Rasta is a short form for Rastafarianism which is a religion in Jamaica - they believe Jah is a 10 foot tall black man with dread - locks down to his ankles. So I thought it would be appropriate for Donald Trump to receive his comeuppance from a 10 foot tall black man with dread-locks down to his ankles. Cheers and happy weekend!
This post was edited by Nanoose at December 15, 2018 10:47 AM MST