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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What's the most creative thing about you? What do you excel at doing, love doing, that others enjoy as well?

What's the most creative thing about you? What do you excel at doing, love doing, that others enjoy as well?

Are you a poet, a musician, a novelist, a songwriter, a woodworker, a singer? Do you earn your living by selling what you create? Oftentimes at craft fairs I'm amazed at how beautiful the work is of ordinary people. There is a certain talent/inspiration they have that is manifested in awesome ways. I wish we all had "it" whatever that "it" is.

Posted - December 15, 2018


  • 17036
    Musician, poet, singer/songwriter. I have done it professionally but not at a level I could make a living at.

    I believe that everybody has a creative spark, but some snuff it out (or have it snuffed out) before it can burst into flame.
      December 15, 2018 6:37 AM MST

  • 113301
     I dunno Sbf. My son said I'm an artist in the kitchen and I guess I'd say I can be and have been creative but I've also had some abysmal failures that got sh**canned! I am good with words but I don't think it rises to a level of artistry or creativity. I don't write poetry and I don't have a novel within me dying to come out. I can express myself well but so can millions or perhaps billions of others. My art teacher in high school gave me a C- because he couldn't bear to give me what I deserved which was an  F. I had mostly A'sand he didn't want to drag me down. Anyway if I had any hidden talent at my age it would surely have come out by now! My mom was very creative and my sister inherited that. I take after my dad.  Both of us were very good appreciators of the talents of others. I still am. He passed away in Janury of 1960 but who remembers? Thank you for your reply!   :)
      December 15, 2018 6:46 AM MST

  • 17036
    I've written some pretty atrocious songs, too. You can't succeed if you're afraid to fail. Cookery can be an art form - my daughter has entered cakes in country fairs and won prizes for them.
      December 15, 2018 6:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    Congrats Sbf! That is awesome. So Aussies have country fairs too? Silly me. Why wouldn't they? Anyway thinking back I think my highpoint came when I was in my teens. I created a pie for my dad that he just loved and to this day my sister makes it for special occasions. The crust was made of butter, flour and crushed walnuts and a tiny bit of sugar. I baked it completely first and let it cool. Then I made custard and put that in the pie shell and chilled it. Then I thickened some blueberries and added some sugar and  let them cool. I poured the thickened blueberries over the custard layer and chilled it completely. Then from scratch I whipped heavy cream and lightly sugared it and added a soupcon of vanilla and a soupcon of almond extract. That was the finally layer. I SLATHERED it on top of the blueberries and put the pie in the fridge to let it set and chill completely. My dad adored it and I felt so proud. I was about 14 or 15. I've had some other resounding successes but I remember that one as the best ever because I adored my dad and he was such a good man. I was thrilled that he loved it! Thank you for your reply Sbf!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 15, 2018 9:57 AM MST
      December 15, 2018 7:14 AM MST