Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A Texas judge rules the AHCA UNCONSTITUTIONAL! 24 hours before the deadline to sign up which is TODAY! Coinkydinky?

A Texas judge rules the AHCA UNCONSTITUTIONAL! 24 hours before the deadline to sign up which is TODAY! Coinkydinky?

TODAY is December 15, deadline day. Despite the "judge" the AHCA is still in force. That "judge's" ruling will be contested and probably take a coupla years. Of course it would have to be a TEXAS judge. The only other state it could possibly have been was Florida. It will get on board ASAP fer shure. Now I'm gonna  take a wilda** SWAG here and predict that judge is a staunch and true blue devoted trumpican! Odds are pretty good in my favor. So we'll see how many other red state trumpican judges will jump on board this bandwagon and begin the "me too me too me too me too". Do you "me too too"? Let me take a wilda** SWAG. You're a trumpican too aren'tchu? This particular Texas "judge" is way way way way so very very very much smarter than all the other judges who reviewed it MANY YEARS AGO? Seriously really and really seriously? Or is he just another typical trumpican HOT DAWG hack who was directed/ordered to do this by "powers that be" to take the heat off the don who is in a world of hurt and bleeding profusely? I dunno.

Posted - December 15, 2018


  • 53667

      It's no more of a coincidence than when it happens on legislation that you want banned, which takes place quite frequently. (How many times have you chortled in glee over an Trump-inspired legislation that was banned or overturned or enjoined within hours or days?)

      Once again, and for the umpteenth time, no new wheel has been invented here. Politics as usual is just that: politics as usual. Eight years or eighty years or one hundred and eighty years, nothing has changed. Quit acting shocked and pretending to be surprised.

      December 15, 2018 9:56 AM MST

  • 34989
    Actually, the judge ruled the individual mandate was unconstitutional. 
    President Trump already removed the corresponding fine...so does not change anything. 
    Everyone can still sign up for OC.
      December 15, 2018 10:09 AM MST

  • Unfortunately, it's more of a symbolic measure than any actual substantive change. With the constitutionality of that whole mess being balanced against the new tax statutes, it's proof of what many have said for years, that AHCA was tax legislation regardless of how liberals tried to dress it up.
      December 15, 2018 11:03 AM MST