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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly an image shows numbers on shirts being worn by children taken at the Mexican border. Remind you of anything?

Allegedly an image shows numbers on shirts being worn by children taken at the Mexican border. Remind you of anything?

Tattoos on the skins of Jews placed there by the Nazis. American Nazis at the border at least haven't tattooed any child. YET. Or maybe they have. Are you up with that/ Good with it? Fine with it? He** cattle owners brand their cattle with a hot iron brand. Why not "brand" kids anyway you can which further diminishes their worth? After all they aren't YOUR KIDS. SIGH. This is America folks. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Allegedly. I'm gonna double down on the sigh. SIGH SIGH.

Posted - December 15, 2018


  • 11371
    When the border camps were being set up there was a proposal that all staff have to have a criminal back ground checks - the GOP waved that so now there could be sex offenders watching children.   The children's  well being was never a priority to the GOP - soon it will all come to light and then come back to bite Trump and his team. Cheers and happy weekend!
      December 15, 2018 2:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    It  just keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it Nanoose? Every trumpican rock that is turned over hides creepy crawly slime. As a FORMER Republican said "there is no bottom". No one is safe...most especially not even children. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :(
      December 16, 2018 2:52 AM MST

  • 34989
    The agency also justified its waiver on the assumption that Tornillo staff had already undergone FBI fingerprint background checks, according to the memo. But that is not the case, the inspector general said.

    An assumption they should not have made....but They are getting it fixed. There was a glitch with the system there but it is being remedied. 
      December 16, 2018 7:14 AM MST

  • 34989
      December 16, 2018 7:06 AM MST

  • 53667

      So you have a knee-jerk reaction to an alleged quip that supports your argument and your deeply-held belief. Do you also gleefully respond in kind to alleged quips that support opposing arguments and beliefs?

      You're fast on the trigger with complaints and bile, but do you have any suggestions or possible resolutions that offer assistance to the very people you claim to care about? The situation at the US/Mexico border has reached horrendous levels, and you just might be part of the open borders crowd, but even that doesn't solve it. You can paint all the pretty pictures of children that you want to, just don't ignore truth in that those children are not the full picture. Telling only part of a story is just propoganda. Unabated crowds of people flooding into a country still need to be fed, housed, clothed, their children educated, medical needs met, etc. You're not going to personally take care of all of them, and if you follow the point of view that taxpayers have an obligation to do so, I ask about the millions of US citizens who are already in dire straits in need of help and are not receiving it. 
      December 16, 2018 7:36 AM MST