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Are you generally a one-topic poster?

Posted - December 19, 2018


  • 6098
    Anything halfway serious about our sex lives I will generally weigh in on.  That seems to have currency on sites such as these.  Discussions about business, concert music, art, literature, gardening, cooking less so I guess because they are less interesting to most people.  Then I get unfortunately drawn into other discussions which I would rather leave alone entirely but feel called upon to enter only for the sake of balance and fairness. 
      December 19, 2018 5:44 AM MST

  • 44545
    I will post on almost any topic I am interested in. I will not make comments on any political or religious questions or responses.
      December 19, 2018 7:33 AM MST

  • 46117
    I have been doing this for 12 years.

    I have covered history, geography, science and the like on Answer Bag.  I have posted funny questions for days.  I have been extraordinarily pushed into the arena of politics these last two years due to the appearance of a monster in the arena, the likes of which no one has seen before.  And the nay-sayers who can listen and hear the same things I am hearing, and still defend him? They are the enemy. Not Trump.  He is merely a cancer and the cancer cannot live without feeding off the malignancy which is his base.  

    They lambasted Hillary Clinton and still (with zero idea of why) are shouting because DER FUHER commands them to, to lock her up.  She never did a thing to anyone except point out that Trump's followers are a tribe of deplorables.  That is all it took. And in Trump fashion, they attack without any idea of why.  She MUST be terrible.  She MUST be this or that.  And the sad thing is they have no evidence but FOX NEWS shouting to them that Trump is god and Hillary and Obama are the devil.

    He shouts at them all day and night chants that only a brain-dead person needs to thrive.    He tells them they are uneducated and he loves that.  They are proud to be what they once were ashamed of.  He has freed them to be dopes and not try. All they have to do is listen to him.

    This is what I am concentrating on, because I have no choice.  

    I won't stop.  I will get worse as I point out how the Democrats are going to dismantle this man.  He will be a shell of his former blow-hard self when they get done with him.  And I am going to enjoy every moment of I TOLD YOU IDIOTS SO.  I cannot wait for next year

    This pig has caused so much hurt and sorrow, it will take years of clean-up to even get to the bottom of the dregs he has dragged this country down to.

    That is why I post the same things all day long. There is a lot to cover.   His big comeback is how people are laughing at all his enemies.  The only creature the whole world is laughing at is THE PIG HIMSELF.  

      December 19, 2018 7:51 AM MST

  • I'm generally a very deep poster. :P

      December 19, 2018 8:09 AM MST

  • 22891
      December 19, 2018 1:39 PM MST