The dipstick jeannie piro ranted at length about what a great judge the one hearing the Flynn case is. How he went after corruption in government! She set him up to be the most wondrous judge ever. Kudos. Accolades! And then guess what he did? He called out Flynn and said Flynn has SOLD OUT his country. He asked the prosecutor if charging Flynn with TREASON had been considered. He asked Flynn if he knew lying to the FBI was a crime and Flynn said yes he did. He asked Flynn if he had been entrapped at any time and Flynn answered "No your honor". So that whole bullsh** line the don and his toady sycophants including annoying little jeannie piro had tried to force down people's throats were smacked down flat on their butts in the mud. The judge BLEW IT UP to smithereens. Every single one of these nutjobs who promulgated that ridiculously absurd LIE. SURPRISE jeannie! Guess what jeannie? The judge did his job. Now you are on record as saying how great he is. Wanna walk it back real quick like so you won't look like a dam* fool? C'mon. Find a way to backtrack. Say the tape of you was a phony set up Democrats. Try it. Maybe more dam* fools like you will buy it. What could it hurt?