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Discussion » Questions » Politics » WHEN are moderate Muslims going to get together and speak out in condemnation of ISIS??!!

WHEN are moderate Muslims going to get together and speak out in condemnation of ISIS??!!

Oh.... apparently they did, just TWO YEARS AGO:

The real question is: Why aren't we listening to what Muslims are actually saying, and why are people giving attention to garbage spewed by idiots like Trump and Bachmann?

Posted - August 23, 2016


  • F*** Pew. There is no such thing as independent.

    Even if your stats are accurate, with immigration and a Muslim birth rate of 5 versus the European birth rate if 1.5, it won't be long before 25% of Muslims is a very significant force.

    People who are part of a small minority are likely to submit to western values and be more diplomatic when asked about their views, but that doesn't mean they have changed their minds. As their population grows they will start feeling they have enough power to start throwing their weight around. They will get more and more bold.

    I'm curious. If 25% Sharia support is acceptable to you, how high do you think is too high? At what point would you believe securing the borders to be justified?

      August 24, 2016 4:32 AM MDT

  • "A radical Muslim wants to behead you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to behead you."

    This was a quote I saw on YouTube that had like 400 likes. Obviously I don't agree with it, but this is how a lot of ignorant Westerners feel. 

      August 24, 2016 10:32 AM MDT

  • "Always convenient to question the source of stats when they don't agree with your worldview" You are doing exactly the same thing to me. You don't trust my sources.

    A majority reject religious government now. Though that will not necessary be the case in the future if current demographic trends continue.

    I hope you are right in your judgement that western values will win out in the culture war.

    However, you did not answer my question. If you did believe my stats and did consider Muslims a significant threat, would you support closing the borders? Or would you let Muslims in on principle because inclusiveness is part of your ideology? When does it become reasonable to reject a group? 50% being threat? 75%? 99%? 100%? Or never?

      August 24, 2016 12:04 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Oh yes, I totally understand the point of your question, I do.  But the point of your question is for me to answer it. 

      August 24, 2016 2:01 PM MDT

  • 46117

    That Caraza person is just a spammer.  Uses God to mask the frustration of a person who doesn't know how to answer a clear, concise point.  No one reads one word of it.  Caraza thinks those people who spam him/her back are reading his/her every word.

    SO SAD.   They are too busy looking up sites to spam Caraza.  Probably counting how many sites Caraza sent so they can spam a few dozen more than that.

    What a fascinating bunch, Rpf, what a barrel of laughs.  No one pays attention to them and they don't even pay attention to one another.  Spam Spam and Thump Thump

      August 24, 2016 2:04 PM MDT

  • There is no straw man. I haven't misrepresented your position at all. I asked a question. You have refused to answer.

      August 24, 2016 2:40 PM MDT