It may take a few years before America can see the results of having a billionaire as President. He didn't make his money in 2,4 or even 8 years. We can't all be billionaires, but he will try to increase the GNP, and he is making progress in that direction. It may be a somewhat wild ride.
Actually he inherited most of it, daddy is almost obscenely wealthy and had His Royal Orangeness simply invested that rather than pretending to be a businessman with it, he'd be about 10 times richer and wouldn't have been bankrupt four times. He even managed to bankrupt a casino. That takes a special kind of incompetence, owning a legal honest casino is a license to print money. Unless you're Trump.
Sbf said it way better than I could have bh. Without daddy's money to bail him out every time he screwed up bigly he'd be a nothing nobody typical ordinal average everyday failure. Y'all give him way too much credit he does not deserve, didn't earn and so it goes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
I don't believe he would have gotten where he is today financially on his own. He had a big leg up from his father. Trump doesn't strike me as the kind of person who is smart enough to have made it on his own. Slartiblast is right - who bankrupts a casino?